Saturday, August 24, 2002
so the "getty" was nice. well not really it was not the getty we me charisse jesse stephain mieko were at fullerton for a free drive through show. it was fun. first thing jesse come to my house at like 9am and im not really ready. so he leaves comes back with stephanie and charisse.then we pick up mieko. on the road was boring. it was hot and i was looking all over the place for the exits and stuff. it was pretty mundane we were singing along to songs and staring at people. but there was this one guy. oh man he went to boston college. he was sooooo amazingly cute. oh man. charisse and mieko i think waved to him before and then like they would giggle when he passed by. it was cute. then he changed lanes into the lone next to us. i held up a sign that said HELLO SO YOU ARE FROM BOSTON? then he rolled down his window and started talking to us. charisse tells him that he was hot. it was soo great.he smiled. we said welcome to california he was like thanks. then he said that he works for some commercial frim and then blew us a kiss and then exited. aww...that was a great start to a great day. then we start dancing to dancable songs. it was so fun having people that you dont know just start to smile b/c they think you are retarded. no they smiled then these kids were like look they are dancing. and then we got into a battle with them b/c they started dancing. when we finally got to fullerton passed all the traffic, it was hot and we stood in the sun and i was kinda not feeling well. i shared a smoothe with charisse and that kinda made things better but not so i went to the bathroom in bk. the line for the ladies was long as usual so i waited to use the boys. once in there i did my business and had to wait b/c there weere boys in there and i didnt want to get out at the wrong time b/c as soon as you get out the urinal was right there. so i waited. i kind felt dizzy and my vision was kinda going bad so was my hearing. but then i got out of the sun and i felt better. then we go bakc in the crowd we have on more good spot so we go to the back. but before that me and charisse were hanging around the wherehouse in the shade. we figure that we dont want to see homegrown so we go in the shade. there i see kenny and brian from the starting line and something corporate. oh yeah we were sitting on the grass facing the street i see andrew from something corporate driving in a corolla with his girlfriend. it was quite the crappy car too. anyways we see them walk in and out. its great. then we leave to go see homegrown from the back of the stage. i was stading near brian fun but then were were right by back stage. so mieko goes under the rope and then i follow and so does stephanie and then these boys get a backstage pass and then i get one b/c i say im the sister to the filippino one and i get one. meiko gets one so does stephaie. but not jesse and charisse. i want to get them one but the guys is like no more friends. that sucked so much. i felt so bad. charisse went into the crowed and stuff while i was in back stage. i got good pictures for her though. still i felt bad. all the band wer up close and i saw the crowd they were pretty violent. i thought it was funny that this girl was being smashed she was crying this one girls boobs were popping out and somebody grabbed andrews ass. funny things you see from behind. oh yeah and i was standing near andrews girlfriend. we is cute but in a normal way not rock star. the whoel thing was fun good music and it was free so noting lost there. kenny was quite the man with the gropies. he had like two. no suprise though. at the signing mieko got the greatest spot in line. we sort of cut. actually we really cut. the line was long but we were in a prime spot. it was great. the wait was not so long and we got pictures signed and brian the drummer from something corporate called me over and said something in my ear like ttell tom from the staring line that brian says that he likes to sign autographs something like that. but i dont b.c i didnt want to be wrong and i i took most of the pictures for everyone. i got my picture signed and it was all good. good times. shook hands. and now i have a soft spot for clutch and josh. they kinda got left out b/c will and andrew were getting all the attention and brian b/c he was sitting next to will. will was on the girls boners.kinda gross but true. every girl was there for them will and andrew. im like ah i kinda like there songs. on the freeway we dance more and then go home to wonderful showers. im at home b/c i watched the thrilling conclusion to the thunderbirds that i saw yesterday and wass happy and i have a feeling of being complete.
so today my brothers plans were messed up so he just went to the course. i drove him there of course and then again i get a cup at the 7 11. this time its carey hart. its cool anyways. that makes two in a row. woo. tomorrow will make three and like yesterday i had to take a mad piss. yes like a wild banchee who had a lot of beers. yes a wild banchee. anyways then paint my nails two time b/c the first time messed up and then the second time i dent and crack them as soon as they dry. argh but i dont care anymore. then jesse calls with mieko and then i dress up and go to charisses house and her mom takes us to starbucks on her treat. that was fun b/c it was international asian day. so may asians to take and the funny thing is that we knew at least on of the persons. it was kinda annoying. then they rented videos and then i finished my application to cal long beach! woo mission done! im happy. that was pretty much the news of my day, finishing my application. now for the "getty"
Thursday, August 22, 2002
i wake up on a sour note towards mci telemarketers. its about 10am and the phone rings. im barely awake. i hear a vocie on the answering machine and i thought it was my dad so i run to the phone and pick it up. but to my dismay, it was a fucking telemarketer looking for my dad. oh man i was so fucking pissed. i wake up 2 hours than normal to tell a fucking telemarketer to call back later b/c my dad is not home. fuck mci telemarketers for fooling me into picking up the fucking phone at 10am in the fucking morning. i feel violated too b/c i thought it was something important not a stupid invenstment fraudulent company looking for my dad who by the way wouldnt give them the time of day b/c you but the shit out of my family! argh!
i get up at 11am and then i eat and stuff and then watch some tv. i see the coldplay video and i melt. i love their music sooo much. its just really good music. and i also saw the $2 bill on mtv today, that made me super happy. but i saw them on e! and its kinda sad b/c i think the ojnly reason why they like coldplay in b/c celebrities like them therefore e! likes them. its kinda sad. i so wanted to go the listening party yesterday. i knew about the day of but sadly i cannot drive there. i was bummed. oh well ive been bummed out so many times.
then i go to 7 11 on patterson it was on the way to picking up my brother. i got my tj cup! woo im soo happy. it is a big cup and i drank it all. i had to piss like mad but it was all good. i have my cup and my mission was complete. thats one down now for my college application. bah!

i get up at 11am and then i eat and stuff and then watch some tv. i see the coldplay video and i melt. i love their music sooo much. its just really good music. and i also saw the $2 bill on mtv today, that made me super happy. but i saw them on e! and its kinda sad b/c i think the ojnly reason why they like coldplay in b/c celebrities like them therefore e! likes them. its kinda sad. i so wanted to go the listening party yesterday. i knew about the day of but sadly i cannot drive there. i was bummed. oh well ive been bummed out so many times.
then i go to 7 11 on patterson it was on the way to picking up my brother. i got my tj cup! woo im soo happy. it is a big cup and i drank it all. i had to piss like mad but it was all good. i have my cup and my mission was complete. thats one down now for my college application. bah!

Wednesday, August 21, 2002
som im looking around for this free sticker sight that i go on occasionally (obviously not enough b/c i forgot the name of the sight) but anyways i remember it being in the jones soda place. i love jones soda and its counter parts. anyways i totally forgot that i can get some cool stickers but alas they didnt have any cool ones so i was bummed. then i woke up late and i totally forgo the x games were on but good thing there was no x games this afternoon so i was relieved. when i went downstairs my borhter friends were over playing on the computer. then i asked my mom if i can got to 7 11 and she like no and just go on the computer. so i was REALLY bored. i havent left the house since winonas party. thats how lame things get. i did go to the library and the 7 11 on woolly but that doesnt count. i didnt get my cup the mission failed therefore it doesnt count. i still want the tj cup ive wanted it since i went to san diego b/c that is where i saw it first. i could have got the big cup but im thinking what the hell am i going to do with that? enough about the cup...youknow what no im going to keep on thinking about that fucking cup untill i get the fucking cup. cup cup cup....blah....its all ive been watching actually, the x games for the longest time. i always look forward to it. the closest ive gotten was rick thorne. and i remember one time tony hawk tour thing in ventura but school was still in session so that totally bummed me out. so i think the boom boom huck jam im thinking about going to. but that requires money. so i dont know. i still have to apply my dad once again asked if i enrolled in ventura, yeah NO! and my mom was telling me that apparel merchandising has no money. she go that idea b/c she was taking to my sunday school teacher today. yeah i dont even think they know what it is. and that her son is taking finance. you know i would rather be happy and doing something that i love doing and not making not a lot of money than unhappy and making lots of money. she like its a good job you know woking in a office. i dont do office at leats a formal office. that sucks so much that they think that i will be happy in an office. i think i would go crazy. i have other plans. they dont know about it but who cares.
i still need to talk about saturday b/c its crazy and mixed up i dont know whats going on. so i ahve to do that and then apply to college. sound like a plan BREAK!
quote: "Brushing your teeth is so played out.-ryan gee"
Find out what your Jones Soda Flavor is by clicking on the soda! Made by: Dannielle Albert
oh yeah if you missed the vines preformance on letterman you so missed out.
i still need to talk about saturday b/c its crazy and mixed up i dont know whats going on. so i ahve to do that and then apply to college. sound like a plan BREAK!
quote: "Brushing your teeth is so played out.-ryan gee"
oh yeah if you missed the vines preformance on letterman you so missed out.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
Horoscope (by
Believe in your fantasies today, dear Aries, and don't forget the dreams that you hold to be most dear. These are the things that keep you alive - mentally alive. Without something to shoot for, you may find yourself just going through the motions of life without a real purpose behind your actions. Regardless of what your rational mind might suggest, it is time for you to live from your imagination.
that just inspires me more to go out and do something. i have so many dreams and this just kinda makes me feel good inside. like im not going crazy and that my dreams can actually come true. anyways today i wake up and take a shower. its weird b/c normally i take showers at the night time but there was a lot on the tv so i didnt wash. anyways. its been all about the x games for me. i dont know whay but i enjoy watching it. its great one day, oh yes i will go there oh yes i will. anyways i thought metzger was cool before but he is so much cooler. thats about it i watch a lot of tv.and i was happy yet sad to see tj sad b/c he got 4th and he bailed on a double back and he was knock out for a while but walked off.ive thought tj was cool since 1996. yeah but enough about a person ill never meet...ah only in my dreams.... then later today, i totally forgot it was my neighbors bday. they had a party and i was not invited. i was kinda sad but oh well. my dog runs out so i go and run after him. it was tiring but i ran my street and more. it was good. i could run about 2 1/2 laps around my block w.o stopping. i was then inspired to go out and run in the mornings. then i see this guy that i had a crush since i was young well not really seee but i know he is there. anyways we are the same age and such and he was my first crush.everytime he came over we always talked and stuff and one time he went to my house actually he found reasons to come over. one time was when i was sleeping on the couch... and if he was outside i would find reasons to go outside and whein i was out he would find reasons to go out. anyways he was there and he drives this old but all nice car. i dont know just know that he is there just brings back the memories. ever since we grew up its been like hey and thats all we will say. we look at each other and not say anything. it sucks but yeah we just drifted. i guess b/c we just lost contact and he lives in camarillo. just knowing that he is there brings back all the memories. i still kinda have thing for him even though we have none of the same interest except skating. he skates and like that sort of thing thats about it. and he likes hip hop and that thing so yeah. but i still kinda like him. weird. thinking about it, thats a long time.
so im thinking that if i got to england i would bring a longboard and skate all around the citys. so i dont have to walk. and if there would be one picture that i want it would be a picture of prince william eating a pizza. i was watching this thing on royals b/c my sister was like ooo the prince. im like charles? she like no william. and they were all like he wants to be normal and such. im saying if you want to be a normal prince i have to see him eating a pizza at a london pizza hut and drink out of the same paper cups and drink the same soda despensed from the same spicket that we all drink from then i will think that you are trying to be a "normal" prince. i will settle for nothing less. wow are the royals boring.
guess who i saw on trl. yup good charlotte. i thought it was funny. they showes their new video. all i can say is anyone looks sexy when they are all cleaned up and in a suit. that all. funny gc on trl, sad tj fell and got 4th, happy b/c i sort of saw my first crush, tried b/c i ran thats my day.

Believe in your fantasies today, dear Aries, and don't forget the dreams that you hold to be most dear. These are the things that keep you alive - mentally alive. Without something to shoot for, you may find yourself just going through the motions of life without a real purpose behind your actions. Regardless of what your rational mind might suggest, it is time for you to live from your imagination.
that just inspires me more to go out and do something. i have so many dreams and this just kinda makes me feel good inside. like im not going crazy and that my dreams can actually come true. anyways today i wake up and take a shower. its weird b/c normally i take showers at the night time but there was a lot on the tv so i didnt wash. anyways. its been all about the x games for me. i dont know whay but i enjoy watching it. its great one day, oh yes i will go there oh yes i will. anyways i thought metzger was cool before but he is so much cooler. thats about it i watch a lot of tv.and i was happy yet sad to see tj sad b/c he got 4th and he bailed on a double back and he was knock out for a while but walked off.ive thought tj was cool since 1996. yeah but enough about a person ill never meet...ah only in my dreams.... then later today, i totally forgot it was my neighbors bday. they had a party and i was not invited. i was kinda sad but oh well. my dog runs out so i go and run after him. it was tiring but i ran my street and more. it was good. i could run about 2 1/2 laps around my block w.o stopping. i was then inspired to go out and run in the mornings. then i see this guy that i had a crush since i was young well not really seee but i know he is there. anyways we are the same age and such and he was my first crush.everytime he came over we always talked and stuff and one time he went to my house actually he found reasons to come over. one time was when i was sleeping on the couch... and if he was outside i would find reasons to go outside and whein i was out he would find reasons to go out. anyways he was there and he drives this old but all nice car. i dont know just know that he is there just brings back the memories. ever since we grew up its been like hey and thats all we will say. we look at each other and not say anything. it sucks but yeah we just drifted. i guess b/c we just lost contact and he lives in camarillo. just knowing that he is there brings back all the memories. i still kinda have thing for him even though we have none of the same interest except skating. he skates and like that sort of thing thats about it. and he likes hip hop and that thing so yeah. but i still kinda like him. weird. thinking about it, thats a long time.
so im thinking that if i got to england i would bring a longboard and skate all around the citys. so i dont have to walk. and if there would be one picture that i want it would be a picture of prince william eating a pizza. i was watching this thing on royals b/c my sister was like ooo the prince. im like charles? she like no william. and they were all like he wants to be normal and such. im saying if you want to be a normal prince i have to see him eating a pizza at a london pizza hut and drink out of the same paper cups and drink the same soda despensed from the same spicket that we all drink from then i will think that you are trying to be a "normal" prince. i will settle for nothing less. wow are the royals boring.
guess who i saw on trl. yup good charlotte. i thought it was funny. they showes their new video. all i can say is anyone looks sexy when they are all cleaned up and in a suit. that all. funny gc on trl, sad tj fell and got 4th, happy b/c i sort of saw my first crush, tried b/c i ran thats my day.

Monday, August 19, 2002
so im still kinda stoked and am more motivated to go to the x games than ever. this year is turning out to be great. i hooked im just watching and watching. even the repeats ah i have no life. well i did go to the 7 11 on woolly. i drove myself. anyways i went inside with one purpose to find that damn cup. to my luck it was tara hamilton. i didnt want that one i want tj so i have to go to patterson. ah i need to find a reason to go there now. today i used the library but i did go. i found the graphic novel section and checked out a good coming of age book that i plan to read tonight. i have to go and apply soon like this week hopefully. kinda upset that i didnt get my cup but i will hopefully try tomorrow.
i was driving and i thought this truck was following me and i look in my rear view and he was apparently it was one of the people that goes to that one house in my street. i was like fucka stop following me but then i realized that he had to follow me so im sorry for calling you fucka whoever you are.
i was driving and i thought this truck was following me and i look in my rear view and he was apparently it was one of the people that goes to that one house in my street. i was like fucka stop following me but then i realized that he had to follow me so im sorry for calling you fucka whoever you are.
Sunday, August 18, 2002
so i thought today i was going to get some slurpees and my tickets but i did neither. i was really lazy. so i dreamed of my tj lavin cup that one day i WILL get. i was too into the x games. it was so awesome its just to hard to speak. im watching again just to see a code so i could win. have you seen the commercial with the people running on the freeways and stuff? i dont know why but i love that commercial. it kinda makes me happy. anyways i went to church today and again it looks like a lot more people go to church at an earlier time than on normal time. its strange. im thinking, would you remember me if the last time you saw me i had my old glasses and long hair? i dont know. then we went to the store. yesterday i remember wanting a bowling bag type bag at the old navy. it was fourteen $ dollars. so i was thinking how life would be with a cool bag by my side but my dada was like no. so that dream was gone. if anyone has a computer that isnt dumb can i use it so i can go to college. you see i have to finish my application and my computer is dumb. anyone anyone? please i need a to use a computer i dont take up much space. anyways i have some money now so im pretty happy kinda but i cant really spend it. i figures that if i get the van i could make friends with party people and be a sober driver for drunk people and get money off of them like five dollars each ride and if you barf in my van you have to clean it and then pay ten dollars. great thats how im going to pay for food and gas. sounds like a plan to me. i washed the van and got sme money and then i feel asleep b/c i was tired and then they threatend to send me to ventura so im in a rush to look for a computer rush rush.
coolest sight of the day: mike metzger doing a back to back backflip on a 250cc dirt bike and tj lavin in the crowd.
coolest sight of the day: mike metzger doing a back to back backflip on a 250cc dirt bike and tj lavin in the crowd.
so i have little time to type this. ill type tomorrow. i dont rememberr anything sticking out so if i do ill write. now i remember i saw michelle nelson. i dont know if she recognized me b/c i think the last time she saw me i had long hair, my old glasses. and right now i have new glasses and short hair so i dont know. but i said hi. i think she is working at the mall she was all dressed up.