som im looking around for this free sticker sight that i go on occasionally (obviously not enough b/c i forgot the name of the sight) but anyways i remember it being in the jones soda place. i love jones soda and its counter parts. anyways i totally forgot that i can get some cool stickers but alas they didnt have any cool ones so i was bummed. then i woke up late and i totally forgo the x games were on but good thing there was no x games this afternoon so i was relieved. when i went downstairs my borhter friends were over playing on the computer. then i asked my mom if i can got to 7 11 and she like no and just go on the computer. so i was REALLY bored. i havent left the house since winonas party. thats how lame things get. i did go to the library and the 7 11 on woolly but that doesnt count. i didnt get my cup the mission failed therefore it doesnt count. i still want the tj cup ive wanted it since i went to san diego b/c that is where i saw it first. i could have got the big cup but im thinking what the hell am i going to do with that? enough about the cup...youknow what no im going to keep on thinking about that fucking cup untill i get the fucking cup. cup cup cup....blah....its all ive been watching actually, the x games for the longest time. i always look forward to it. the closest ive gotten was rick thorne. and i remember one time tony hawk tour thing in ventura but school was still in session so that totally bummed me out. so i think the boom boom huck jam im thinking about going to. but that requires money. so i dont know. i still have to apply my dad once again asked if i enrolled in ventura, yeah NO! and my mom was telling me that apparel merchandising has no money. she go that idea b/c she was taking to my sunday school teacher today. yeah i dont even think they know what it is. and that her son is taking finance. you know i would rather be happy and doing something that i love doing and not making not a lot of money than unhappy and making lots of money. she like its a good job you know woking in a office. i dont do office at leats a formal office. that sucks so much that they think that i will be happy in an office. i think i would go crazy. i have other plans. they dont know about it but who cares.
i still need to talk about saturday b/c its crazy and mixed up i dont know whats going on. so i ahve to do that and then apply to college. sound like a plan BREAK!
quote: "Brushing your teeth is so played out.-ryan gee"
Find out what your Jones Soda Flavor is by clicking on the soda! Made by: Dannielle Albert
oh yeah if you missed the vines preformance on letterman you so missed out.
i still need to talk about saturday b/c its crazy and mixed up i dont know whats going on. so i ahve to do that and then apply to college. sound like a plan BREAK!
quote: "Brushing your teeth is so played out.-ryan gee"
oh yeah if you missed the vines preformance on letterman you so missed out.
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