i run i run so far away...damn grand theft auto commercial. my sutpid cable is broken again. it upsets me b/c i dont have a tv guide and i dont know what is on. boo. anyways my knee feels better today. thunderbirds was good today. i ran today and i had sushi from the sumo sushi. sooo good. now all i need is a really good fish taco and some fish and chips and life will be ok.
Friday, October 11, 2002
Thursday, October 10, 2002
oh man i have a minor form of arthritis! you know how a knee cap is supposed to slide up and down well my knee cap is not "anchored" so it slides side to side. and there is an inflamation of it rubbing on some bone or something. it will pop back into place someday but till then i should ice it and stuff. its something you live with like dandruff. that was the words of the doctor. you mean i had radiation shot at me for no reason? damn! i took x rays for no reason and i didnt get to keep the pictures! i had to strip down to some really bug shorts for nothing. yeah i had to take off my pants and wear therre really bug ugly shorts. i guess to make the x ray taking picture thing easier but those shorts were so ugly and the doctor said that i didnt have to take he pictures. im kinda mad. but when i think about it i should have taken the shorts and made them into a skirt. that would be cool. the guy behide the desk must have thought i was like 12 or something. the desk in the base clinic is super tall and you know how im super short, so the desk was about to my chest. my mom walks up tp the desk and says that were are there for and appointment and the guy says to me "do you have and id?" the thing is that he asked me like i was stupid and didnt understand. si im like yeah. i habd it to him and he says, "good job," like im a friken dog in training. yeah i feet very small. then i guess he saw that i was 18 and treated me my age. i dont know i that is standard procedure but the doctors had to make sure i was 18. they kept on asking me. im liike YES! anyways i really wanted a cane. i would have called jesse and asked to hang out b/c i have a kick ass cane. then i would go to the mall and the bookstore. ah i want a cane! it was so cold in the clinic. so cold. then we go to fuwa market. for some reason i love the way that store smells. i went there a lot as a kid with my mom and i guess it brings back a lot of good memories of just being a kid. it sounds weird but i love the fishy/food like smell of the fuwa. i also get lots of memories wehn i got to piers. as a kid i used to go fishing with my mom and when ever i go to the peir i get all those memories back. like they are not gone. i want to go back with my mom. just one day to feel like a kid again. i want to feel like nothing bad is happening and all i really care about is just being a kid. i miss that. oh man i had the coolest dream.
its my house and this bird lands in the back yard and my dog attacks it. i go out to hel the bird and it talks. it was a parrot of some kind. so im trying to talk to a bird. then i go inside and elijah wood is there. so so is lisa jesse and charisse. they have a bunch of posters to give me and theny are in my room. me and elijah wood are like talking and i take him to my room to mee the gang. he is not amused and then i saw the cast of full house in my dream and then i wake up. i took a nap b/c the appointment was at 1040 so i was up at 9. in that dream i was on the oxnard high school competitive scuba team. weird? huh? i dream about the weirdest things oh yeah in the elijah dream fab from the strokes was in my dream.
its my house and this bird lands in the back yard and my dog attacks it. i go out to hel the bird and it talks. it was a parrot of some kind. so im trying to talk to a bird. then i go inside and elijah wood is there. so so is lisa jesse and charisse. they have a bunch of posters to give me and theny are in my room. me and elijah wood are like talking and i take him to my room to mee the gang. he is not amused and then i saw the cast of full house in my dream and then i wake up. i took a nap b/c the appointment was at 1040 so i was up at 9. in that dream i was on the oxnard high school competitive scuba team. weird? huh? i dream about the weirdest things oh yeah in the elijah dream fab from the strokes was in my dream.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
yes my knee hurts. its like arthritic or something. when i bend down i hear it crackle and stuff. its painful to hear and the pain is annoying. it hurts for no reason. i woke up and it was so hard to get out of bed. its been like this for about a week. i didnt really say aything b/c i thought it would go away and i have a high tolerance for pain so i found no reason to tell my mom. now my mom thinks its weird that it hurts b/c i didnt hit anything. i really i want to go out and run but i cant b/c its hurts. like when i babysat these kids were asking me to sit and stand. you know i cant do that easily but i did it. it kinda hurt but anything to make these kids happy. they totally attacked me today. and then the youngest kid would not go to sleep. ah then they did and then i left. now im home. the only thing i can think about is my knee. it hurt before and it hurts more now then it did a while back. i dont know what triggers it. maybe b/c i dance in the living room. speaking of the living room, there was a show that i really really wanted to go to b/c the international noise conspiracy was playing. but i have no car. damnit! arrgh. i found a kick ass apartment but im too scared to talk to my mom about it. i dont think she is proud of me going to college. i think she wants me to stay home. oh well i got in and i get to go to school. shaun white on trl was a big surpise for me b/c its shaun white. awww...then like people were protesting the war or something and that wa funny. trl was just a funny day and it happens to be the one day i actually watch it. normally i dont take the time but today was funny. i also saw princess caraboo. it was a good movie i guess.
i feel like a lame. my knee hurts. and i saw shaun white (the red head pictured below) on trl. strange i didnt know that he was going to be on either. funny
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
thanks to everyone. im going to go to school. ill finally be doing something other than watch tv and clean the table. so im watching the real world and they are really pissing me off. they have no real character. ahhh they bug yet i still watch, its a sad life i live. anyways i really want to see this movie called "24 hour party people." ive been wanting to see it for a while now. i dont know whay that come up but ive been wanting to see that movie. i want to get out just in general i want to go out and meet new people. ive also wanted to go to the tony hawk boom boom huck jam. it sounds weird but is cool.
can you tel i didnt do anything today. i ran and did some working out. i want to get a gym membership and do some areobics like the pink dancing thing at ballys. i want to get in shape just to be in shape. i miss swimming. i want to go to the base pool but i get all nervous around the lifegurads. i really dont like them. usually when i go to the base pool i take someone b/c i guess its the strength in numbers thing. i want to go and swim! ahh i hate running. my knee is doing this thing where its hurting for no apparent reason. it doent hurt that much that i cant run or walk acutally it hurts to walk down the stairs but yeah its jst annoying. im hoping that i dont have to go into surgery b/c that what the doctors said last time...i hope its jsut a passing pain. im going to give it two more days then ill tell my mom to make the appointment. hopefully it will go away. i figured that i want one screw in my body. like in my knee or shoulder.
question: is it wrong to throw away dog poo in a bag in someone elses trash can?

so grown up this boy
can you tel i didnt do anything today. i ran and did some working out. i want to get a gym membership and do some areobics like the pink dancing thing at ballys. i want to get in shape just to be in shape. i miss swimming. i want to go to the base pool but i get all nervous around the lifegurads. i really dont like them. usually when i go to the base pool i take someone b/c i guess its the strength in numbers thing. i want to go and swim! ahh i hate running. my knee is doing this thing where its hurting for no apparent reason. it doent hurt that much that i cant run or walk acutally it hurts to walk down the stairs but yeah its jst annoying. im hoping that i dont have to go into surgery b/c that what the doctors said last time...i hope its jsut a passing pain. im going to give it two more days then ill tell my mom to make the appointment. hopefully it will go away. i figured that i want one screw in my body. like in my knee or shoulder.
question: is it wrong to throw away dog poo in a bag in someone elses trash can?

so grown up this boy
Monday, October 07, 2002
Dear Eizelle,
on behalf of the faculity, administration, and staff, it is my privilage to extend to you an invitation to become part of the California State University, Long Beach community for the Spring 2003 term.
Welcome to CSLUB!
Your acceptance should be a source of pride and satisfaction both to you and your family. Aside from reaffirming your own achievements, your admission will allow you to embark on one of the most interesting and stimulating experiences of your life.
my only question is: what kind of stimulation?
you are looking at or thinking about (for those woh dont see me on a regular basis...which is everyone) a new college student at long beach. yes im going to long beach. i get to look for an apartment. it kinda sucks i wanted to get a dorm but it was full. FOREVER! not really but they said i probably would not have housing by january. soo i have to look and call alexis b/c she is the only one i know that lives there and goes to school there. if you know anyone esle dont hesitate to say "hey i know someone who lives in long beach and is loking for someone to live in their house to make living cost cheaper." you know drop me a holla or holla at me as the kids say in the streets these days. thats the biggest news of the week. it beats the angels beating the yankees. today was a hot day. i have a leather chair, and that thing make your backsweat when you sit in it. so i sit in the rocking chair. i ran today too. i was sweating like a hog. i was walking too. i didnt really run. it was weird. nothing else really i sit down watch tv. dance i can add run now.
oh yeah i thought it was rather funny that they show a commercial for genital herpes during elimadate. im pretty sure that 2/4 daters on one show have the herpes and maybe the datetee.
on behalf of the faculity, administration, and staff, it is my privilage to extend to you an invitation to become part of the California State University, Long Beach community for the Spring 2003 term.
Welcome to CSLUB!
Your acceptance should be a source of pride and satisfaction both to you and your family. Aside from reaffirming your own achievements, your admission will allow you to embark on one of the most interesting and stimulating experiences of your life.
my only question is: what kind of stimulation?
you are looking at or thinking about (for those woh dont see me on a regular basis...which is everyone) a new college student at long beach. yes im going to long beach. i get to look for an apartment. it kinda sucks i wanted to get a dorm but it was full. FOREVER! not really but they said i probably would not have housing by january. soo i have to look and call alexis b/c she is the only one i know that lives there and goes to school there. if you know anyone esle dont hesitate to say "hey i know someone who lives in long beach and is loking for someone to live in their house to make living cost cheaper." you know drop me a holla or holla at me as the kids say in the streets these days. thats the biggest news of the week. it beats the angels beating the yankees. today was a hot day. i have a leather chair, and that thing make your backsweat when you sit in it. so i sit in the rocking chair. i ran today too. i was sweating like a hog. i was walking too. i didnt really run. it was weird. nothing else really i sit down watch tv. dance i can add run now.
oh yeah i thought it was rather funny that they show a commercial for genital herpes during elimadate. im pretty sure that 2/4 daters on one show have the herpes and maybe the datetee.
Sunday, October 06, 2002
i bought my first dvd today. you should be proud and i think i over paid the casher b/c i have less money that i did but i washed the car and sweated like a hog. it was really really hot today. i wore a skirt to best buy of all places to cool off. it was weird. i saw allen pham, and mike rr something the guy in my physics class and robby van antewerp. it then i went home with a finch cd and a tony hawk 2001 tour dvd. i still have to get 2000 tour and when 2002 comes out i have to have it. anyways ive benn spending too much on cds. but thats a good thing. its to mix up the listening situation. b/c i dont do anything. remember that. my sister got the maroon 5 cd.they look like a boy band that plays and write their own good music. really. like they are pretty. really. then at home jesse calls and askes for help on his homewrok so i help and david comes along. the homework i dont really remember but i tried my best. we wanted to go to the theater to see who was playing but we didnt. i was sad but oh well. ive been watching the tony hawk dvd on my computer today and could not pull myself to stop watching. i have to get the 2000 one when i get money. money is the root of all evil. did i tell you i babysit on wednesday now?