Saturday, May 25, 2002
A plesant suprise is in store for you (in bed)
that was my first fortune for thee day so i decided to write it down. i woke up at around 11:30 am today. oh man did it feel so good. all last weekend i couldn't sleep in so today just felt so good and plus it was a really nice day. i wanted to go to the beach but i decided to stay home and eat for a while. but then i went to best buy and got the white stripes and since i had the money i got something corperate. both are good and highly reccommend. then i went to the mall. i planned on not buying anything b/c i have no real money. i went into the vans store and ended up buying a checkered lanyard for 74 cents. it was so great. they were having a sale on wallets belts and keychains all for 75% off. so the $2.99 lanyard only cost 74 cents! i was happy. i also saw the coolest shoes there too. it is the slip-ons the old school kind and it had the mod target thingy i thought it was cool. so i walk around the mall looking for a graduation dress. i find nothing good. in the book store i saw the naked chef book. i really want it, the new one not the old one. it was sooooo cool! as i was walking out i saw these two pretty boys looking at the magazines. i was like ok. then as i walked passed the window i looked at his shoes and they were the mod vans shoes that i want! i was like im going to marry you mod shoe boy. you dont know it but i am. he was the first one i saw in my shoes so im going to marry him. then in sam goody i saw the coolest design ever. it was the hives. i want that display so bad! it had posters and the little square thingy. on the back it said: THE HIVES ARE THE LAW AND YOU ARE THE CRIME. it was so cool i wanted to steal those free ads. but i remembered the guy was a real asshole and said that they have to give it back the promotions so i didnt bother asking. but i want to go back and take a picture by it. then in hot topic i see the gary doll i wanted so bad. so today was a good day at the mall. i saw my future husband, and the wall that i want to steal. there was a lot of filipinos there too. not that i have anything against them.....i really dont! stop looking at me that way. then at home i listen to my cds and continue making my pattern for a smaller tee shirt. then i found out that my sewing machine is for tougher materials and it cant sew regular cotton. how that makes sense i dont know at all.
Horoscope (by
Dear Aries, you might feel like taking a look back over the events of the last several months today, in order to get an understanding of your failures and your successes. You'll see that even if there were difficult times, on the whole, your life has been fairly intense lately. Could it be that you can finally see what direction your life is taking?
does this mean i will know what im going to do? that i will find the path i need to walk on? the way i see it right now is that there are many paths set in front of me and they all seem so tempting. i think ill walk on all on all of them and see how it all goes. what is my direction? my life is a bad movie in the making. i want to make a good movie so people dont think im a really bad writer. when i think about there have been no real difficult time yet so maybe my horoscope is off? who knows.
Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought (in bed) here is another the second fortune of the day. i had of fortune cookies today and if i wrote all the fortunes it would be a long post.
that was my first fortune for thee day so i decided to write it down. i woke up at around 11:30 am today. oh man did it feel so good. all last weekend i couldn't sleep in so today just felt so good and plus it was a really nice day. i wanted to go to the beach but i decided to stay home and eat for a while. but then i went to best buy and got the white stripes and since i had the money i got something corperate. both are good and highly reccommend. then i went to the mall. i planned on not buying anything b/c i have no real money. i went into the vans store and ended up buying a checkered lanyard for 74 cents. it was so great. they were having a sale on wallets belts and keychains all for 75% off. so the $2.99 lanyard only cost 74 cents! i was happy. i also saw the coolest shoes there too. it is the slip-ons the old school kind and it had the mod target thingy i thought it was cool. so i walk around the mall looking for a graduation dress. i find nothing good. in the book store i saw the naked chef book. i really want it, the new one not the old one. it was sooooo cool! as i was walking out i saw these two pretty boys looking at the magazines. i was like ok. then as i walked passed the window i looked at his shoes and they were the mod vans shoes that i want! i was like im going to marry you mod shoe boy. you dont know it but i am. he was the first one i saw in my shoes so im going to marry him. then in sam goody i saw the coolest design ever. it was the hives. i want that display so bad! it had posters and the little square thingy. on the back it said: THE HIVES ARE THE LAW AND YOU ARE THE CRIME. it was so cool i wanted to steal those free ads. but i remembered the guy was a real asshole and said that they have to give it back the promotions so i didnt bother asking. but i want to go back and take a picture by it. then in hot topic i see the gary doll i wanted so bad. so today was a good day at the mall. i saw my future husband, and the wall that i want to steal. there was a lot of filipinos there too. not that i have anything against them.....i really dont! stop looking at me that way. then at home i listen to my cds and continue making my pattern for a smaller tee shirt. then i found out that my sewing machine is for tougher materials and it cant sew regular cotton. how that makes sense i dont know at all.
Horoscope (by
Dear Aries, you might feel like taking a look back over the events of the last several months today, in order to get an understanding of your failures and your successes. You'll see that even if there were difficult times, on the whole, your life has been fairly intense lately. Could it be that you can finally see what direction your life is taking?
does this mean i will know what im going to do? that i will find the path i need to walk on? the way i see it right now is that there are many paths set in front of me and they all seem so tempting. i think ill walk on all on all of them and see how it all goes. what is my direction? my life is a bad movie in the making. i want to make a good movie so people dont think im a really bad writer. when i think about there have been no real difficult time yet so maybe my horoscope is off? who knows.
Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought (in bed) here is another the second fortune of the day. i had of fortune cookies today and if i wrote all the fortunes it would be a long post.
Friday, May 24, 2002
the lakers lost today oh well.back to more important matters, today was the senior goodbye rally. it was not sad but fun i guess. i think of it as a time to have fun and enjoy the time you have with them and to look back on the good ole days. people were all teary eyed and stuff. i mean it wasnt that sad. i guess it was a combination of music and pictures. it was ok that the picture that was taken in senior year ended up in the freshman part at least it was up there. its is called friends and the is funny. my mom didnt let me go to the play today for some stupid reason. i think it is a way to keep me in the house because i came home "late" last week. i mean i didnt do anything bad. a long time ago, like when i was 12, i got caught for "shoplifting". my mom was kinda mad but no that mad b/c she talked to me the next day. then last year i got grounded b/c i went to the warped tour. my mom didnt talk to me for a week. i mean it was like a killed a mand and had sex with the dead body and she walk in on all the action. i didnt do anything bad. compared to killing a man and having sex with it coming home late and going to shows is a good thing.
in home ec. mrs coldiron saw me doing my moth homework and asked me if i knew how to do BASIC math in my head. i was like yeah. and she asked me what 7x6 is. im like 42 and she like good b/c most people rely on the calculator too much. im like i am very confident in my math skills thank you.
it kinda sucks knowing that all your friends are at the play and i am just sitting here typing on my journal. i wish i had a boy. you wish you knew what boy! hahaha. ill never tell.
there were these guys that we met at the N.U.F.A.N video and they took off with our cds. well i was brosing though the forum on the offical site i found this. i think it is julio imnot sure but i think im pretty sure if that makes sense. anyways they were really cool so lisa emailed them and so did i just for fun. tomorrow a big fat nothing. the beach seems like a good place to go.
ob la de ol la da life goes on....
in home ec. mrs coldiron saw me doing my moth homework and asked me if i knew how to do BASIC math in my head. i was like yeah. and she asked me what 7x6 is. im like 42 and she like good b/c most people rely on the calculator too much. im like i am very confident in my math skills thank you.
it kinda sucks knowing that all your friends are at the play and i am just sitting here typing on my journal. i wish i had a boy. you wish you knew what boy! hahaha. ill never tell.
there were these guys that we met at the N.U.F.A.N video and they took off with our cds. well i was brosing though the forum on the offical site i found this. i think it is julio imnot sure but i think im pretty sure if that makes sense. anyways they were really cool so lisa emailed them and so did i just for fun. tomorrow a big fat nothing. the beach seems like a good place to go.
ob la de ol la da life goes on....
Thursday, May 23, 2002

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty
since i was talking about it

What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty

What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty

Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty
"now luke skywalker you will die"
yes i am enjoying the greatness that is called Return of the Jedi, im about the end the emperor just got thrown over the vent and darth vader is dying. wedge is the man! he was in all three movies so that make him the greatest.
so today i made funnel cakes and it was a smashing success. everyone liked it. so on the weekend we are planning on having a funnel cake making party. it sounds so fun. tomorrow is the senior goodbye rally. its kinda scary how this year went by so fast at least it did for me. at lunch they were going on about that list again, you know the list that lists in order who wil lose their virginity first in the group. somehow im just not on the list. im in there but there is no definate order. my first time is going to b ein a bathroom. j/k i dont know who knows i guess if it happens it happens. right? it horny season and its like everyone is thinking horny. even i am so its cool.
i realized i like to cook it makes me happy seeing peole enjoy what i made.
lets see i have to go to best buy and buy the white stripe cd and possibly the something corperate cd b.c its only 7.99, the hives are playing a free show at tower and i really want to go and see all the mod kids. i have to go and read santa barbera magazine b/c there is an article about jack johnson in it. that reminds me to go and download the cd. i had no real relevant thought today like nothing really struck me as important. i was going to post up the recipe for a funnel cake but ill do that another nite.
its kinda funny how my horoscope for today is dead on the spot:
Horoscope (by
It could be that you are a bit confused, dear Aries, and nothing seems to fit right. You feel like you are faced with a hundred different roads and are unsure of which one to go down. All the choices seem reasonable, and you may be scared that you are missing out on something great if you choose only one. The truth of the matter is they can all be great if you incorporate what you have learned from the paths you have already taken to get where you are right now. Trust yourself.
it made a tear come down my eye because it is everything im thinking right now everything i feel. its actually scary that this was my horoscope. how does it know? so all i have to do is trust myself. my sister told me that and i think thats what im going to do. isnt that the weirdest?
yes i am enjoying the greatness that is called Return of the Jedi, im about the end the emperor just got thrown over the vent and darth vader is dying. wedge is the man! he was in all three movies so that make him the greatest.
so today i made funnel cakes and it was a smashing success. everyone liked it. so on the weekend we are planning on having a funnel cake making party. it sounds so fun. tomorrow is the senior goodbye rally. its kinda scary how this year went by so fast at least it did for me. at lunch they were going on about that list again, you know the list that lists in order who wil lose their virginity first in the group. somehow im just not on the list. im in there but there is no definate order. my first time is going to b ein a bathroom. j/k i dont know who knows i guess if it happens it happens. right? it horny season and its like everyone is thinking horny. even i am so its cool.
i realized i like to cook it makes me happy seeing peole enjoy what i made.
lets see i have to go to best buy and buy the white stripe cd and possibly the something corperate cd b.c its only 7.99, the hives are playing a free show at tower and i really want to go and see all the mod kids. i have to go and read santa barbera magazine b/c there is an article about jack johnson in it. that reminds me to go and download the cd. i had no real relevant thought today like nothing really struck me as important. i was going to post up the recipe for a funnel cake but ill do that another nite.
its kinda funny how my horoscope for today is dead on the spot:
Horoscope (by
It could be that you are a bit confused, dear Aries, and nothing seems to fit right. You feel like you are faced with a hundred different roads and are unsure of which one to go down. All the choices seem reasonable, and you may be scared that you are missing out on something great if you choose only one. The truth of the matter is they can all be great if you incorporate what you have learned from the paths you have already taken to get where you are right now. Trust yourself.
it made a tear come down my eye because it is everything im thinking right now everything i feel. its actually scary that this was my horoscope. how does it know? so all i have to do is trust myself. my sister told me that and i think thats what im going to do. isnt that the weirdest?
Wednesday, May 22, 2002
so what if my movie isnt as good its it still a me movie. im getting better actually a lot better. so im not going to die! hooray! today is actually wednesday and nothing really happened. it was just a day you know? thats how life is for me right now, its just a day. nothing special, though i would like my days to be more exciting. everyone at this point is thinking about the future but me i think im going to say in the present. i just have to live each day as they come no matter how boring they may be.everyones all up in the college and not going so it kinda leaves me out of the conversation, i dont know im thinking about going to vc or somewhere. i can go to some community collge in SLO and live up there with my dad and then transfer to Cal Poly but i dont know. i have all the time in the world, yet it feels like im becoming older. i really dont feel my age. i think old but have a young shell. i guess thats a good thing but sometimes i just dont want to grow up. days go by so fast. i guess im going to have to grow up one day.
back to my boring life home economics my teacher made each table a funnel cake, oh man it reminded me of magic mountain it was so good and i cant wait to make one for myself. yum! if you catch me after foruth i might have a funnel cake in my hand and if im in an especially good mood maybe ill give you a bite. after watching olivers twist (formally known as the naked chef) i wanted to become a chef and go to culinary school. i want to be a chef but my parents will be like where will that take you? but then i kinda dont care. i told my sister right now about culinary school she told me to follow what my little heart says to. dont do what see did. b/c she wanted to go to art school but she did my what my parents said to do and she kinda inhappy with the results. so maybe i might and then go to community college at the same time.
so im introducing the recipe of the week:
Fruit Cobbler
Recipe courtesy Jamie Oliver
This is a fantastic American recipe equivalent to our crumble. Particularly good with strawberries and rhubarb, but you can use any fruit combo you like; about 680g/1 1/2 pounds of fruit should do it.
For the fruit:
2 apricots, stoned and sliced
1 pear, cored and thickly sliced
1 pint blackberries
1 pint blueberries
1 pint raspberries
1 stick rhubarb
5 tablespoons sugar
A good glug balsamic vinegar
For the topping:
4 ounces butter, chilled
8 ounces (225 grams) self-rising flour
2 1/2 ounces (70 grams) sugar
A large pinch salt
4 1/2 fluid ounces (130 milliliters) buttermilk
A little sugar, for dusting
Vanilla ice cream, as an accompaniment
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C/gas 5). Put the fruit into a pan with the sugar and the balsamic vinegar. Put the pan over the heat, and cook gently, until the juices begin to run from the berries. Pour into an ovenproof dish.
Meanwhile make the topping. Rub the cold butter into the flour until the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs. Add the sugar and salt, stir well, and then add the buttermilk to form a loose, scone-type mixture. Roll balls of the dough and place randomly over the hot fruit. Sprinkle with a little sugar, and bake in the oven for 30 minutes until golden brown. Serve with vanilla ice cream.
back to my boring life home economics my teacher made each table a funnel cake, oh man it reminded me of magic mountain it was so good and i cant wait to make one for myself. yum! if you catch me after foruth i might have a funnel cake in my hand and if im in an especially good mood maybe ill give you a bite. after watching olivers twist (formally known as the naked chef) i wanted to become a chef and go to culinary school. i want to be a chef but my parents will be like where will that take you? but then i kinda dont care. i told my sister right now about culinary school she told me to follow what my little heart says to. dont do what see did. b/c she wanted to go to art school but she did my what my parents said to do and she kinda inhappy with the results. so maybe i might and then go to community college at the same time.
so im introducing the recipe of the week:
Fruit Cobbler
Recipe courtesy Jamie Oliver
This is a fantastic American recipe equivalent to our crumble. Particularly good with strawberries and rhubarb, but you can use any fruit combo you like; about 680g/1 1/2 pounds of fruit should do it.
For the fruit:
2 apricots, stoned and sliced
1 pear, cored and thickly sliced
1 pint blackberries
1 pint blueberries
1 pint raspberries
1 stick rhubarb
5 tablespoons sugar
A good glug balsamic vinegar
For the topping:
4 ounces butter, chilled
8 ounces (225 grams) self-rising flour
2 1/2 ounces (70 grams) sugar
A large pinch salt
4 1/2 fluid ounces (130 milliliters) buttermilk
A little sugar, for dusting
Vanilla ice cream, as an accompaniment
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C/gas 5). Put the fruit into a pan with the sugar and the balsamic vinegar. Put the pan over the heat, and cook gently, until the juices begin to run from the berries. Pour into an ovenproof dish.
Meanwhile make the topping. Rub the cold butter into the flour until the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs. Add the sugar and salt, stir well, and then add the buttermilk to form a loose, scone-type mixture. Roll balls of the dough and place randomly over the hot fruit. Sprinkle with a little sugar, and bake in the oven for 30 minutes until golden brown. Serve with vanilla ice cream.
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
because im sick, my mom tells me that if i continue to swim that "ill die" and that "if you die well just bury you in ground" its kinda harsh. i just laughed it off but when i think about it, it really hurts me that she would think that. i mean she is my mom and she would say things like that truely hurts me. she could have told me "dont swim for a few days" or something but no she says "your going to die and when you die we're going to bury you" yeah realy helpful. it hurts so much that she would think that and it bugs me. oh well half of the thing my mom says she doesnt mean anyways. i have a feeling that im not her favorite kid at all. i think they love my brother more than anyone. i think they want him to be not me. like there is still hope for him. oh well ill be successful youll see...
when i wok up today i thought it was wednesday b/c i had a dream about school and electronic poker machines. anyways in school we took the golden state exam. it was easy suprisingly. when mr hilburn left the class, the class started playing the penis game. that game is so overrated so i said "vagina." why are people afraid to say that word yet they can say penis. in home ec we are making funnel cakes, in english my teacher is insane! so its all good. i thought i saw punk buddha in the papa roach video and i can sort of taste things but not that well. the medcine im taking sort of makes me dizzy and thats not good. but ill keep on taking it. i need to get better so i dont die. so im peeing like a mad woman who has a bladder infection! its great. i feel all clean inside but with a full bladder so its all good. at lunch jennifer and christa bought everyone food. that was so cool of them to do that. i got a cookie. thanks so much! my short story, i think is pretty good. ill post it up one day but it is way too long.
when i wok up today i thought it was wednesday b/c i had a dream about school and electronic poker machines. anyways in school we took the golden state exam. it was easy suprisingly. when mr hilburn left the class, the class started playing the penis game. that game is so overrated so i said "vagina." why are people afraid to say that word yet they can say penis. in home ec we are making funnel cakes, in english my teacher is insane! so its all good. i thought i saw punk buddha in the papa roach video and i can sort of taste things but not that well. the medcine im taking sort of makes me dizzy and thats not good. but ill keep on taking it. i need to get better so i dont die. so im peeing like a mad woman who has a bladder infection! its great. i feel all clean inside but with a full bladder so its all good. at lunch jennifer and christa bought everyone food. that was so cool of them to do that. i got a cookie. thanks so much! my short story, i think is pretty good. ill post it up one day but it is way too long.
Monday, May 20, 2002
im sick! i thinkit is a combination of the worn outness, cigarette smoke, and standing right under the a/c in the glasshouse. it sucks but i still swam! i want my tan and my muscle tone of summer. i guess ill swim over the summer but, i like what i have now. im drinking a lot of h20 and peeing a whole lot. in school i took a pee in almost every class, meaning i went to the restroom not in the class. school is almost finished its great. im already planning for the summer. its so great. in home ec, i told mrs coldiron my life story. she was asking me about everything. it was cool though, shes a nice person and people dont respect her. nothing else funny happened.woof!
as you can tell i dont like talking much about my love life. its just something private to me. you know? if i wanted to talk about it i would. i like many people i just dont express them as much as others. ive liked so many people of all ages except 29 and older. i can tell you what i dont like is many asians. i think ive like one asian and he was half so that doesnt count or does it? anyways...bakc to something more relevant....i watched empire strikes back for the 100th time. it was good for the 1893349th time. tomorrow return of the jedi.
as you can tell i dont like talking much about my love life. its just something private to me. you know? if i wanted to talk about it i would. i like many people i just dont express them as much as others. ive liked so many people of all ages except 29 and older. i can tell you what i dont like is many asians. i think ive like one asian and he was half so that doesnt count or does it? anyways...bakc to something more relevant....i watched empire strikes back for the 100th time. it was good for the 1893349th time. tomorrow return of the jedi.
Sunday, May 19, 2002
im so mad at people who smoke. they gave me this bad cough it hurts everytime i cough. i mean it could be the a/c that was in the glasshouse but it it could also be the fact that we were around a lot of smokers yesterday and that that was the most exposure that ive had whit cigarettes. it suck smoking is a coslty and dirty habit i dont know why people do it. i dont really care if you smoke it was your choice, but just dont do it around me. today i went to church. it was the last day of sunday school. i went to a picnic type thing it was fun i guess. i did nothing else. i cleaned my room and did some of the physics that i dont fully understand. its great. i still have a stupid cough and i need to redecorate my walls, alter a bunch of tee shirts, and then learn how to use the sewing machine. is there amything happening next week? good that gives me time. i missed the strawberry festival oh well...ive only been once but i missed berlin. oh well again. oh yeah the video is dumb reminders by no use for a name if you wanted to know, but i doubt it will be anywhere on tv.
i think my mom realizes that im exactly like her thats why she not too mad at me. as a child she said she would come home late and her mom would get mad at her. so in some way she sees her in me.
i think my mom realizes that im exactly like her thats why she not too mad at me. as a child she said she would come home late and her mom would get mad at her. so in some way she sees her in me.
do you like my movie? anyways today was spent in pomona. at around 9:30anm linda came to pick me up and then we picked up lisa. it was fun. outside we met these guys julilo and matt and the guy i cant remember the name. once we go in we went to the front and no use for a name played like 30 seconds of the song. it was fun look like you are not having fun it was great. it was like that the whole day. play 30 seconds and then stop. the director was like ok that was ok perfect, do it again. and woof, or check check check me out. he was funny. they were so nice they got us pizzas and then more pizzas when they found out that not everyone got pizzas. we also got free t shirts and posters and they signed it. they were all so nice.but the guys took off with our cd singles so we have to track them down