Saturday, June 01, 2002

man jack johnson is so good! i highly reccommend brushfire fairy tales and the song fortunate fool . also the 311"amber" so good
now i have a good size bruse on my knee. fun fun fun. usually i wake up in intervals. like i would wake up at 7am then go back to sleep. then wake up at 10 am and go back to sleep then wake up at 11am and then actually wake up. but today i just opened my eyes and magically it was 11am. i was like shit! why? i get up to walk to the bathroom and as i walk out my door, my pants fall. apparently the pull string was not tied. anyways after that i ate my delectable breakfast buritto and i was asked to drive my mom on base. i had a litte trouble changing lanes i tend to weave so i guess i need to practice. there i got a smoothie at baskin robins. actually it wasnt the best smoothie ive had but eh it was a smoothie. there was nothing there i wanted except these plaid shorts and a black and white am/fm tv. it is so rad b/c it only get am/fm channels on tv. its great then when i got home i watched grease again and then cat on a hot tin roof was on so i had to watch. its such a good movie i have to remember to tape it the next time it is on. grease is such a good movie to watch especially at this time b.c of the graduation thing. it was fun. then i watched a bunch of cribs and then cut up my shirt. for TWO whole hours i was hand sewing the seams of the shirt. it was worth it. i was so proud. all i need to do is hem the bottom and sew on sleeves and ill be done.

i love to evesdrop on random peoples converastions. in mcdonalds i was listening to these air force guys conversation. it was funny b.c they were talking about their girlfriends and how they have deep conversations. it was so funny. i wish i brought my tapr recorder. then at the exchange the planters peanut life size guy was giving away, you guessed it planters peanuts! itr was great again and i wished i had my camera.

Friday, May 31, 2002

so lisa jesse and linda come over to drop off a funnel cake they made. it was good by the way and a really sweet gesture. i ate it and i gave linda and jesse strawberry ice cream. with the exception on jesse we were all in our pj's. it was fun but it got even more funner. i was putting the ice cream cups in the sink and i was skipping back the next thing i remember i was fallling on the ground. i slipped on some oily part on the tiling. it was fun. now my right knee hurts. but it was funny.

and im not going to cry just yet.....
Horoscope (by
Arguments that arise today could quickly turn into declarations of war. Things may get blown way out of proportion if they are not handled with special care, dear Aries. The key lesson for you to learn is balance and communication with others. Things will be moving fast and furiously, so make sure you have your seat belt securely fastened. Let you adventuresome spirit lead the way to new ways of having fun.
im going crazy! the basketball game is killing me. if they dont win, im going to cry like a baby. but shaq, 8/8 at the moment good job! anyways to my day. in school, nothing special. physics is the devil, english is the devil. they go hand in hand. math was werid. we had a sub they subs in juvie and hes all like they are no different. its just the killed someone so they are no different than any of you kids. yeah weird. in home ec. we learned how to sew on a snap. woo! then she asked me and darlene to correct some papers it passed the time away. in office parctice, me and fred did nothing but walk around, it was fun i guess. he showed me his car b/c he just got his licence. im kinda jealous b/c hes younger that me but im ok. i will drive oh yes i swim we swam for 20 minutes straight.i feel healthy. im going to miss swimming but there is always the base pool i guess. i saw this thing on sugarcult kinda cool, i guess, hopefully next time they will have another cool band. the funniest thing that i heard today was my mom blaming me for buying 1% milk the pink gallon. but i remember buying the 2% the blue gallon. my mom insists it was me. but i remember distinctly buying the blue. so i proceed to retrace my steps. my mom then realizes that my dad and her went shopping on saturday. and the ass kicker is it was my dad who go the 1% milk. HA! i say to them. then my mom and dad get in a debate about how fat is fat and that 2% has really 5% fat and that 1% really has 2%. but my mom says it is milkfat but my dad says that fat is fat. it was funny as hell. i wish i had a camera to tape this all. then my mom tells me that i am "stuck" in the house becasue i come home late. i mena that was two instances and she said that i could come home before 12am and i did. i came home before 11pm. it pisses me off b/c im a little older. oh yeah she doesnt believe that i made funnel cake b/c i didnt take any home. whatever, ill find ways around this dictatorship they run oh yes i will... i did cartwheels again in school, it was great fun, i did one at lunch and one 5th period. i heard clapping after i did it but i dont know if it was for me who knows.

i kind feel like a big looser too b/c its friday im at home doing homework. ah im AM a looser! its all my parents fault, they still treat me like im a little girl, i guess they cant get ovet the fact that im getting older and that i need to ween off them but they wont let me. someone told me that i need to go out and see the world. i cant remember who it was but i will and when i do i will tell you, back on track i dont know. why are people so suprised when i tell them im not going to college? (yet?) im just lost and cant find my way right now. ask me in a year what i want to be and maybe ill give you an answer.

Thursday, May 30, 2002

Horoscope (by
Put on your most noble mood before you leave the house this morning, dear Aries. The key for you today is to smile from ear to ear, and to just keep smiling. There is a great deal of power available to you, so put it to good use. Open your heart and express your love freely, as it will brighten up other people's lives as well. Keep your chin up, your shoulders back, and be proud.

i hope travis gets better! #199!
Thrillers unite! woo was today fun. well not really but it was fun looking at the thrillers and smiling b/c we only knew and then grossing out those who do know. eric humping people getting weird looks at people we told.... ah high school... it was fun. for some reason it feels like im not wearing any underwear but i am so it feels weird. like my mind is confused. i did a cartwheel fifth period in the quad. then i swam. it was a good workout. i needed that after feeling fat and stuff. in english mrs chavaliler decided to pile on the work last minute. its so frustrating. if she told us ahead of time. THANK YOU JESUS FOR goingTO TAPE THE $2 BILL ON MTV2 ONE JUNE 2 AT 7PM! you rock~! it funny how i dont care that much for school yet i stil do my homework and stuff. in home ec i learned how to sew on a button! not that i already knew how too. oh no im getting a pimple in my nose! it hurts gotta kill it now! oh i will ...i thought it was funny how i remembered jeffs name in the nutrition line today. it always slips my mond i guess b/c lisa wanted a cookie i rememberd his name. i mean i did hang out with him in summer school with a bunch of other people that i dont remember. ah summer those were fun times.

i remembered why i dont like telling people who i really like...people will tease you! so i keep them inside in a box hidden from everyone, and when they turn away i look inside and smile. its my secret, i tend to tell everything to people anyways so i need something for myself right? ive never told anyone who i have a crush on except maybe in the sixth grade, but after that ive never told anyone.

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

receipe of the week:
Spaghetti Puttanesca
Recipe courtesy Jamie Oliver

1 pound (455 grams) dried spaghetti, the best you can get
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 handful capers, soaked in water and drained
2 handfuls big black olives, pitted
12 anchovy fillets, roughly chopped
3 small dried red chiles, crumbled
1 tablespoon dried oregano
Extra-virgin olive oil
2 (14 ounce/400gram) cans tomatoes, drained and chopped
1 good handful fresh basil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Cook the spaghetti in salted, boiling water until al dente. Meanwhile fry the garlic, capers, olives, anchovies, chiles, and oregano in a little olive oil for a few minutes. Add the tomatoes, bring to a simmer, and continue to cook for 4 or 5 minutes, until you have a lovely tomato sauce consistency. Remove from the heat, plunge the drained spaghetti into it, toss it over, and cover with the sauce. Rip all the basil over it, correct the seasoning, and drizzle with good extra-virgin olive oil.

todya i was posed with the question: what is your most memorable moment at ohs? i put nothing b/c there was nothing really memorable in the school to write down. but today we had a disaster drill and the whole school sat in the bleachers. it was boring until we started doing the wave. yes the ball park fun was brought to the school. the security was looking at us like we were crazy but it was fun. then me and darlene were talking about people. oh yeah theis one freshman named justin oh man hes funny. first in class mrs coldiron goes and says something like just because girls dress "slutty" doesnt mean they are easy in bed or with sex. justin was just laughing. then out in the field he shows us something about the 20 dollar bill i forgot but i said that i could fold tha in a heart, so i proceed to. justin just walks away! he came back then left. i had $20 in my hand and he forgot. i ended up giving it back. that was great. in office practice we did nothing but walk into teacher classes and ask for a leaving grade. it was fun. talking shit about people and acting crazy. i really wanted to just rub my butt on on of the windows on the classroom. it would be great fun. the day started off slow hilburn telling us about fusion bombs and atoms and stuff. english about the book, math about math. you know. fun stuff....yeah anyways it is thrilling thursday tomorrow! im excited!

mom is watching miss universe over greg the bunny! why?!

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

today started unusually slow. in physics we did nothng but discuss the homework and the various ways wer are all going to die.
various way #1: Hole in the ozone will bure us all
various way #2: Greenhouse gasses
various way #3: Yellowstone errupting creating nuclear winter
in english i got a 116/130 on my short story or an 89%. i hope i still have my A in that class. im kinda pissed that the lakers lost today it was good till the end. bibby made the lase shot causing them the win by one point. its kinda poetic justice. if the laker dont win and go to the finals im not watching b/c i hate the kings with a passion! i really did nothing special today. nothing funny happened, oh yeah a band played today. they kinda didnt sound to my liking. but they had the balls to play infront of school so more power to them. i have to write an essay for english and i tried to write it but i fell asleep. funny i remember waking up and putting the pillow on my desk to sleep on it. ha funny i remember that. i parked the car in between two car in albersons today. but i didnt see the cue bagger who works there unfortunately. ah but i will return....right now im watching Holiday in the sun the mary kate and ashley movie. sad but true i need something to fix my disappointment. oh man is it bad but it is so great. it just about the good part. wait there are no good parts...
i alos realized that i have an unhealthy obsession with andrew w k. i dont know why. he just so fun and his music is fun and party like. i also saw the new 311 video for "amber" i love it! the malloys do it again. it looks like a surf video and its so so great! i love the malloys and it a cool thing that they are from ventura. and i think one of them is in the video. ah so great i love it!
i cant wait till summer oh man its going to be great and ah i cant wait

Monday, May 27, 2002

yes i am one sad girl. the hives played a free show at the virgin mega store today and i missed it. im ok really. i really like them and i dont know why. i guess b.c they are just so darn cool in those suits of theirs and the music is cool. anyways today was a big day of sitting around looking for something to do. i pretty much practiced parking today. i didnt get that frustrated b/c i actually did it! pretty much i watched a lot of tv. i woke up to my brother watching phantom menace. after the movie back to the future was on tbs so i ended up watching that. i realized that i have seen that movie too many times b/c i can actually quote at the exact time with exact words to the movie. the only time i ever did that was when i saw waynes world so many times that i could actually recite the whole movie. then i went upstairs and listened to my cds and then went back down to watch even more tv. i probably had the most boring day EVER! i need to go back and swim. i havent swam in a week i feel so fat. so tomorrow i will begin the swimming again.

i cant wait till summer i just want it all to end, the high school.

Sunday, May 26, 2002

today i had chuch and i was sitting during the prayer time thinking about some of the people at my church. most of the people that i knpw noew go to a new church in camarillo b/c the head chaplain is a morman. there is nothing wrong with him. i mean he doesnt impose any of him beliefs on us and he doesnt tell us what to do. they dont like him for some reason. this summer we plan to go camping using the money for the church that thye dont go to most of the time, and using the money that they dont give. it really bugs me too b/c they are christian, and thay are supposed to be understanding and accepting of other beliefs. like the guys who had leprosy and they went to Jesus and asked to be healed. i think they were all sumarian, half jew half gentile. they were shuned by the jews and the gentiles but jesus being the model christian healed them anyways. it just bugs me that christians dont accept gay people or mormons or scientologist. they are still people....geeze!

back to life back to reality, i went to church today. it was cool it was my favorite chaplian, i actually listen to what he has to say. most of the time i day dream and think about like what will i wear tomorrow. then i went home and rearrabged my room, and did my homework. i listen to my new cds, something corperate and the white stripes and a buch that i havent heard in a long time. then jesse picked me up then leslie and we went to kelly's cafe on main street to meet up with veronica, jesses sister and her boyfriend. they were nice as always. leslie was funny and it was great. i made funnel cakes and jesse made shirley temples it was fun. then i went home. the thought of the day is go to the hive show in the virgin mega store tomorrow. it is at three ill find a way to get there.