Saturday, January 18, 2003

i hate spending money. my parents are spending insane amouts of money today and to me i feel really uncomfortable. it bothers me that they would spend all this money for me. im considering getting a loan to ease the payments for my parents and apply to scholarships and such. cool thig is i got a computer! they are giving me the old computer. i feel really bad. one day i hope to pay them back. b/c ive seen the money we have in accounts, i feel horrible for taking so much money. as long as they dont give me a credit card ill be fine and i wont be getting a car for a while. no more spending.
i noticed that as you get older the more one becomes reliant on folders. i have three folders right now and i need more i cant hold all the important stuff! why the folder!! ah i hate growing up why cant i just stay the same way. i could always take the easy way and notgo to school and what not but a part of me wants to go. its like i want to be old yet be young.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

tomorrow is the day i get my banking account finally! seriously. i keep on putting it off but school is starting. i started to pack all the crap that i dont need into boxes. all the books and random trinkets that i dont want to take with me. my storage is going to be the garage. right now i have three boxes. i threw away a bunch of crap from colleges and stuff. tomorrow i guess ill put away the stuffed animals. i have a lot. i also have to get all the potential apartments b/c on saturday ill be searching and getting an apartment. happy day. eizelle's prediction for saturday: ill end up getting an apartment. thats my prediction b.c i HAVE TO!

Monday, January 13, 2003

tomorrow is my last day of work. kinda sad b/c the people there are really cool. marlene told me that its nice to see kids stepoing up and going to college. she wants her kids to go to college and she hopes that they will. i didnt do much today at work i got a list of songs to d/l for this guy at work he said hell give me $20 im like thats too much so tomorrow if i get the songs done by then, i will only accept five. i also feel lilke im going to puke. its gross. i dont feel too well.

Sunday, January 12, 2003

you know how pumped i was about the xgames and stuff? well i was reading big brother and they are always pissed at the xgames and they found out this year its in la and they said something how la doesnt have a skatepark and the mayor and council man guy said that it will bring in millions and stuff to the city , normally i dont really care for what they have to say but they did have legit point b/c la does not have a real park to skate in. the police get a kick out of the skating in the staples center but outside in the parking lot the kids who are doing the samething, skating, will get arrested. it kinda sucks. also the mayor or the council man mentioned nothing about skating just the money it will bring. bummer. *sigh* if you want to read it yourself its in big brother magazine with jason ellis on the cover. its really short. the jason ellis article is cool too. elijah wood is also on the cover of gear magazine and it has GREAT pictures. yeah seriously keep me away from stores. i spent like $70 i bought some pants and two shirts and a bra. grr i have to start saving for school. i keep on telling myself this and yet i still manage to spend money but then i tell myself that oh yeah friday is payday and i babysit on wednesday. its horrible. its a cycle but work will soon be over and money will longer flow. i take that into consideration too. im also going to school on the bare minimum so i wont be able to buy the things that i do now so im seizing the oppportunity to buy the things i want to.
i had a headache but i had to resist the temptation to take medcine. dont want the rebound headaches. anyways i was supposed to get a bank account but no. on saturday im going back to the long beach to look for places to live and hopefully a computer. thats about it. i didnt do much. i babysat as usual and im thinking about taking a swim class or something i need to go out there or maybe a surf class. i need to be active and im thinking about joining the school entertainment comittee.