Saturday, August 10, 2002
I am 61-80% Ghetto

I AM ghetto. And you know this- MAN.

Take the "Which Marvel Comics Hero are you" quiz!

I AM ghetto. And you know this- MAN.

Take the "Which Marvel Comics Hero are you" quiz!
![]() | You are Fozzie! |
i was watching th baseball game today and realized that the phillies away uniform is really cute. the dots over the i are stars and the numbers look all cool. anyways i am very amazed b/c i painted my fingernails blue something that is very bold for me. usually i stay close to the glittery ones but dark blue is very bold and something new and i was bored so i figured i should paint my toe nails and the toe nails to fingernails. the left hand looks super but the right looks retarded. so if you see me look at my left hand. so i wake up and nobodys home. figures. i wait and wait and at 1 my mom comes home. she went to the grocery store and was amazed by the wonders of hawaiian bread. im like sure its good. then i watch tv from 12pm-about 4pm then paint my nails watch tv from 5pm to now. the baseball game is all tied up and i still have blue nails after i took a shower. i can hear the booming of the fair fireworks and i think im going to go see star wars tomorrow. i have nothing better to do on a saturday night b/c my dad is home. i have to look for apartments and find a computer to finish my college application. stupid computer. anyways my blue fingers are very hyptonizing. i saw dashbaord confessional on cnn and i laughed and i did my laundry. church now starts at 9am so i have to wake up at 7am just to be up by 8. it kills me but i have to represent. wow blue fingernails....robert earl is my hero and domo kun makes me happy b/c he is the man.
so im watching the the someday video, and i realize that if i dont wash my hair for three days my hair looks exactly like jules(the lead guy)! i was laughing.
Friday, August 09, 2002
so you see this guy the one pointing at you. you know the sharply dressed one in the green jacket. not mike v, but robert wells aka robert earl. he IS the man right next to domo kun. he plays basketball in gucci pants and does absolutely nothing on the tony hawk tour nothing. for three years he gets invited and does nothing. he is the man

do you ever wonder what balll players are thinking in the bullpin? i do. you always see them talking. i think they are talking about their uniforms and how it makes thier butts look big. "man my ass looked so big when i wear thr away uniform. thank goodness im wearing the white uniform. is so slimming." "you said it" and then he does this hand thing.
i think you can see that i go to the grocery store to go people watching right? it is the only public place where freaks are accepted. its the one place d & d nerds, computer geeks, comic book readers, trendy people, corporate people, rich people, poor people just all people will go. everyone is accepted. those sliding doors open for everyone no bias. people can go to the express lane with more food than is allowed and then pay with food stamps and then go to their brand new dodge minivan. they play music the reaches all of us like just a girl. i love the grocery store. where else can you be asked the age old question of paper or plastic?
so i go today and the first thing i notice is an old couple using an umbrella so i immediatly assume they are satanist. inside i notice the krispy kreme dougnuts. the devil. yeah anyways a sign read delivered "daily." what is with the quotes? is it not delivered daily or is it in theory? the quotes kinda scared me. maybe daily is a metaphor for not really from krispy kreme. we are just saying they are deliverd daily form the store to fool you simple minded base people. anyways it was not a very exciting day. i remember at the mcdonalds there were these two french ladies. they are there like every friday. they eat a fish filet and get a coffee. it is the same every friday i think. i dint really go there every friday. this time the had pictures to talk french about. it was interesting listening to thier conversation that i could not understand. then i see them at the grocery store thus backing my theory that all the sliding door open for everyone. i mean they opened for people who speak the france. back the mcdonalds, i was looking out the window and there is this kid pushing a shopping cart. i thought cute. then i eat then and in like 10 minutes that kid is still pushing the cart. first i think, where is this kids mother? then i think no i wanna see how long this shopping cart will keep this kid occupied you know for future reference when i have to go the restroom. but then i was thinking if this kid goes on for longer, this kid is determined to make this doll happy. so i did nothing the grocery store is my life b/c i dont get many calls. i have to retreat to my inner rants to make it look like i have something to do, when in actuallity i dont have one b.c 1 i cant leave the house or 2 i get no calls or i dont call people. tomorrow i think ill have to do something. i have to think about thay one till then i am open to ideas. im thinking about going around looking for a good garage sale.
i think you can see that i go to the grocery store to go people watching right? it is the only public place where freaks are accepted. its the one place d & d nerds, computer geeks, comic book readers, trendy people, corporate people, rich people, poor people just all people will go. everyone is accepted. those sliding doors open for everyone no bias. people can go to the express lane with more food than is allowed and then pay with food stamps and then go to their brand new dodge minivan. they play music the reaches all of us like just a girl. i love the grocery store. where else can you be asked the age old question of paper or plastic?
so i go today and the first thing i notice is an old couple using an umbrella so i immediatly assume they are satanist. inside i notice the krispy kreme dougnuts. the devil. yeah anyways a sign read delivered "daily." what is with the quotes? is it not delivered daily or is it in theory? the quotes kinda scared me. maybe daily is a metaphor for not really from krispy kreme. we are just saying they are deliverd daily form the store to fool you simple minded base people. anyways it was not a very exciting day. i remember at the mcdonalds there were these two french ladies. they are there like every friday. they eat a fish filet and get a coffee. it is the same every friday i think. i dint really go there every friday. this time the had pictures to talk french about. it was interesting listening to thier conversation that i could not understand. then i see them at the grocery store thus backing my theory that all the sliding door open for everyone. i mean they opened for people who speak the france. back the mcdonalds, i was looking out the window and there is this kid pushing a shopping cart. i thought cute. then i eat then and in like 10 minutes that kid is still pushing the cart. first i think, where is this kids mother? then i think no i wanna see how long this shopping cart will keep this kid occupied you know for future reference when i have to go the restroom. but then i was thinking if this kid goes on for longer, this kid is determined to make this doll happy. so i did nothing the grocery store is my life b/c i dont get many calls. i have to retreat to my inner rants to make it look like i have something to do, when in actuallity i dont have one b.c 1 i cant leave the house or 2 i get no calls or i dont call people. tomorrow i think ill have to do something. i have to think about thay one till then i am open to ideas. im thinking about going around looking for a good garage sale.
Thursday, August 08, 2002
movbichgetotdawy: so how was your night?
krustykrab199: eh... i was going to drive my bro to see scooby doo for free but my mom said we were late
krustykrab199: so i ate dinner
krustykrab199: and watched tv
movbichgetotdawy: hehe...im sorry...
so i wake up at around 11:30am and i realized that i used up or soiled my pants. or at least thats the way i see it. it would only explain why i have no pants. literally! so i wore a bright yellow skirt and i white tee shirt. eh...it was a hot day in the sb therfore i was happy. then i realized that i need new sandals. b/c i dont have any new cool kinds. so we, like ten of us, (miriam, charisse, winona, lisa, jesse, natalie, linda, rachelle, whitney and me) ate at ruby's diner. unlike friscos the waitresse use shoes. its cool but if i had a choice i would work in friscos b/c of the roller skates. but i must say that the the athuntisity of this diner was more athuntic than the one they call friscos. but the food is the same or i would assume so. the french fries in friscos were bigger than rubys. anyways before i get into a deep conversation about french fries and various diners around the tricounty, i must talk about the street they call state. i need money. thats all i can really say about this place. i have no realy money to use at the current moment. its quite sad. i used it all in french fries. and about my antisocial tendancies, i carry around a pen now. im just looking for some motivation, a muse you might say. soemthing that will turn on that dead piece of mass i like to call my brain. you know. so i need money to buy a cool sweatshirt and some picture frames and a cowboy hat. i also realized that i am planning for a bathroom that i probably wont have. my mom said that she wanted me to go into nursing, just out of the blue. im like mom... no. i dont want to have anything to do in the medical industry. its not me i wont be happy and that would so suck. so im going into fashion.she thinks that i wont get a job after college. well im interning and hopefully my two years of hard unpaid work will pay off and hopefully get a job in the future. *sigh* i have to apply either tomorrow or sometime. long beach......
so then we go home and then i was going to take my brother to the movise to go and see scooby doo for free but my mom said it was late therefore i stay home and watch the tv. and contemplate ways to get money without getting a job.
krustykrab199: eh... i was going to drive my bro to see scooby doo for free but my mom said we were late
krustykrab199: so i ate dinner
krustykrab199: and watched tv
movbichgetotdawy: hehe...im sorry...
so i wake up at around 11:30am and i realized that i used up or soiled my pants. or at least thats the way i see it. it would only explain why i have no pants. literally! so i wore a bright yellow skirt and i white tee shirt. eh...it was a hot day in the sb therfore i was happy. then i realized that i need new sandals. b/c i dont have any new cool kinds. so we, like ten of us, (miriam, charisse, winona, lisa, jesse, natalie, linda, rachelle, whitney and me) ate at ruby's diner. unlike friscos the waitresse use shoes. its cool but if i had a choice i would work in friscos b/c of the roller skates. but i must say that the the athuntisity of this diner was more athuntic than the one they call friscos. but the food is the same or i would assume so. the french fries in friscos were bigger than rubys. anyways before i get into a deep conversation about french fries and various diners around the tricounty, i must talk about the street they call state. i need money. thats all i can really say about this place. i have no realy money to use at the current moment. its quite sad. i used it all in french fries. and about my antisocial tendancies, i carry around a pen now. im just looking for some motivation, a muse you might say. soemthing that will turn on that dead piece of mass i like to call my brain. you know. so i need money to buy a cool sweatshirt and some picture frames and a cowboy hat. i also realized that i am planning for a bathroom that i probably wont have. my mom said that she wanted me to go into nursing, just out of the blue. im like mom... no. i dont want to have anything to do in the medical industry. its not me i wont be happy and that would so suck. so im going into fashion.she thinks that i wont get a job after college. well im interning and hopefully my two years of hard unpaid work will pay off and hopefully get a job in the future. *sigh* i have to apply either tomorrow or sometime. long beach......
so then we go home and then i was going to take my brother to the movise to go and see scooby doo for free but my mom said it was late therefore i stay home and watch the tv. and contemplate ways to get money without getting a job.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
it was unusually hot today. i went outside to throw something away and this heat swells me. anyways i couldnt feel it from the inside of my house. kinda cool inside my house. i ate a sandwich today. im getting sick of sandwiches. i mean the beginning of summer was fine, but now im like no thank you. remember like in school how i hated them b/c for my whole life ive been eating almost the same sandwich, well no its in my house and i have to eat them. ahh it makes me sick. but i had a soda to make it go down the throat easier. anyways i made myself a mixed tape for my moms car so when i drive my brother around like i did today i would have something to listen too instead of listening to the radio. somethimes i get sick listening to the radio. like today i drove my brother to the base to get a haircut. i was supposed to get one today too but no jessicas mom lynn was not working on the base today so i have to wait till someday. oh well. anyways i got to drive by myself so it was all good. i never really get to drive by myself. i also have to go and apply to college. my mom kinda got upset b/c i told her i was going to major in graphic designn and she like you wont get a job. i guess i was too scared to tell her that i was going to major in fashion merchandising. oh well i think my dad knows that i want that. and long beach is the perfect place for me. i hope. then i get home dress up and then boom lisa calls. asks if i want to go to coldstones b/c she saw that thing on food network. funny thing b/c i saw that thing too and i wanted to go out there and eat some too. but i was thinking about a smoothie. i had two today. so i kinda feel a fruity healty thing going on. its great. im kinda tried but i have wet hair therefore i cannot go to sleep. cant wait to get a haircut!
Tuesday, August 06, 2002
have you had one of those days where you wake up and it feels like you smoked pot? well today when i woke up up my mouth tasted like i have just smoked pot of some kind of cigarette. not that i know how it tastes or anything but yeah, from the scent and stuff i have an idea. i dont kknow how i guess i just slept with my mouth not open like usual. but there are days when i sleep woth my mouth open and i taste all kinds of weird stuff. anyways i reall did nothing today. i ate lots of the starburst just to finish it off. but alas i failed there are stil some in the bowl. i redid some of the walls by adding some stuff to it. like a poster here and there. you know. yeah. actually engrasssed in the movie the real world one yeah but jesse was right about the break but no kuddus. funny stuff. so i find out that the new real world is going to be in vegas. i should have tried out. just kidding. i have nothing else to talk about b/c remember i have no life but the tv. pretty soon ill be living my life on tv. i have to go fill out my application to long beach pretty soon and then i have to go and pay and stuff so im thinking about a lot of stuff. i discoverd domo kun and i love him! i really do. he IS the man. sort of. the love of the bad acting in this real world movie. i dont rememeber actually thinking today.
i love cheese head!

i love cheese head!

Monday, August 05, 2002
where did i leave off? ok the day of the con. we wake up pack our things and leave. i was really excited. like ive never been to one before so im so stoked. so we get in and im amazed. like the line was out the door. thank the goodness that we volunteered. we cut through the line and i see someone from school. odd. then we sign in and dont have to work till 12 so we walk around. lots of people dressed up. i even saw some furries! the LOTR was the biggest and so was star wars. when it comes time to work, we are rejected b/c they already have all the people they need. so we get sent back and then we get jobs. me and my sister work professional regestration. basically we filed for three hours. it was fun. if i didnt work there i wouldnt have known that elijah wood was there. so i wass kinda all tingly inside no not in that place you dirty minded people. anyways we finally get to see the meat of this convention. i meet all my sisters comic friends. they are cool. i saw weird al and joseph hann from linkin park hes the dj. i take a picture of the hobbit. but no frodo! dammit. oh well. i had fun. after that we meet up with jay my sisters friend and unpack our stuff at his apartment. i decide to stay home and watch amelie and work on my scrapbook while they go to an indie club where they drink till about 230am. i stayed up till then watching tv. thank the goodneess that he had cable. i fall asleep and then wake up at around 9.
august three tow thousand two
we leave jays and go home. we hit traffic in sd and play murder fuck kill. you know the game. but we use actors and actresses. it was fun playing with older people. they were like 24 26 ish. it was really fun. then we eat in san clemente my home. ive decide then aand there that i am going to live there. just by eating at a carls jr. then we get omar and head home. home finally i get to sleep in my own bed!
so today august five two thousand two i do nothing. i wake up at 12pm and just watch tv. then i wash my sisters car at aroung 7pm. usually i wash the car at 3pm where the water evaporates and makes drying of the car but at night, no evaporating. so i have to use more rags to dry the thing. its like a trend in my neighborhood. when one person washes their car others will follow. like the day everyone decide to mow the lawn. then jesse and everyone drive by. and they come in and they leave. that take you back to here.
august three tow thousand two
we leave jays and go home. we hit traffic in sd and play murder fuck kill. you know the game. but we use actors and actresses. it was fun playing with older people. they were like 24 26 ish. it was really fun. then we eat in san clemente my home. ive decide then aand there that i am going to live there. just by eating at a carls jr. then we get omar and head home. home finally i get to sleep in my own bed!
so today august five two thousand two i do nothing. i wake up at 12pm and just watch tv. then i wash my sisters car at aroung 7pm. usually i wash the car at 3pm where the water evaporates and makes drying of the car but at night, no evaporating. so i have to use more rags to dry the thing. its like a trend in my neighborhood. when one person washes their car others will follow. like the day everyone decide to mow the lawn. then jesse and everyone drive by. and they come in and they leave. that take you back to here.
Sunday, August 04, 2002
hey so im back im extremely tired. really tired. like i went to sleep at 5am wake up at 9am tired. for three days it was like that. i was really tired. the fact that i didnt leave my house till 2am made me tired. thinking about it makes me tired. i have a lot to write about so sit tight.
august two thousand two
i leave the house at 230am im already tried but i say up till we get to west covina to go to cindys house and sleep. it was me and my sisters friends. me and my sister share a bed and like at 4am we get to sleep. we had to get all the giggles out b/c sharing a bed with me is hard. when we wake up at around 9am. i get dressed and at around 11-1ish we eat at a place called Frisco's. its an "authentic 50's diner" like the one in ghost world. you know anyways they girls are all on roller skates. its great if we had one here i would so work there. rollerskating around a resturant and looking fly. yeah baby. i dont remember how to rollerskate but one can relearn, like riding a bike. i guess. im a bad ass rollerblader though. haha. so i eat a vegetarian sandwich with my sister. i was kinda forced to share b/c i was limited in the cash. but it was all good. i kind felt bad b/c i was the only one without the money and i did feel like i was keeping everyone behind b/c of my age. like they couldn go to drink in clubs and stuff b/c i couldnt get in. i felt really bad. but back to my day. we headed out to the sd. we hit traffic. so lame stop and go stop and go. boo! but i did see so many cute boys! like th on in the volkswagen. we drove though orange county. my favorite place was san clemente it was so beautiful and dana point. i loved it even though i saw it in a car i loved it. we got to the hotel in la mesa and settled down at around 7pm. my sister and i had a single. it was fun i guess. i took a shower and watched their tv. its hard adjusting to the channels but the craving for tv compels me to adjust. we didnt sleep till like 3-330 am. it was fun b/c we spit wadded the other room with everyone else it was in the shape of a happy face. oh fuck how could i forget. i left out like the a meat of everything 7pm-12am. we hit the downtown area. it is so busy and there are lots of boys. i was dying hungry that my bulemic tendancies started to kick in. you know the gaging and all that stuff. but i had three fish tacos from the rubios grill. it was good. then we go out and walk around. it is so busy and all these trendy people are there going to clubs and bars and trendy bars. smokers and stuf. yeah it was great. busy. i was drawn to the carrage bkes that take people around. i liked a lot of the bike boys. so nice. then we said hello to my sisters friend jay. he is cool. yeah he had to go to work so he didnt go out. so in the beginning of the night we pass a store called hustlers. you know like the magazine by larry flint. so you could guess what kind of store it is. later in the night we end up going there. it was really fun my sister and i bonded how you say in a porn shop. kinda morbid but true, it was funny b/c the bottom 2 floors are tame. nothing naked till the third floor. all the pornos are up there. there were so many things i wanted to get for everyone books like the ethical slut and this karma sutra book and a beanie baby like doll with a huge dong. it was so funny. i wanted to buy a penis shaped cake pan for peoples bdays. like happy bday heres a cake in the shape of a penis! the cards are not so good but they had a pretty extensive collection of porn like the 4 finger club and snoop dogs movies. i was inpressed b/c i could only imagine how the one in oxnard is but this was blew me away. it was trendy on the first floor there was a cafe you could say and the top was so well lit. like no shame and i liked it. people laughed and we all kinda felt a bond even though they were strangers. i wante the penis shaped pasta. but we spent a majority of the night there. my sister bought a tampon holder for her bag. it is so great. it is so blatant it makes it better. it has a cool guy on it too. we go back to the hotel but first a quick stop at the 7-11 for some "refreshments" my sister got a slurpee but everyone else got 6 packs. that made about 24 beers and some taqulias however you spell that. we stopped but to listen to there conversations but nothing funny they were not that wasted. but it was so funny what we did. i liked it downtown it was like ventura but bigger and better way bigger and way better.
weird sight of the day: a car being towed that was in a accedent. but isnt that that was weird. on the window it had "blood" written on it like by the police. butit wass on the back of an suv. so it was bad so that isd the weord sight of the day.
i have so much more to write ill do it tomorrow.
august two thousand two
i leave the house at 230am im already tried but i say up till we get to west covina to go to cindys house and sleep. it was me and my sisters friends. me and my sister share a bed and like at 4am we get to sleep. we had to get all the giggles out b/c sharing a bed with me is hard. when we wake up at around 9am. i get dressed and at around 11-1ish we eat at a place called Frisco's. its an "authentic 50's diner" like the one in ghost world. you know anyways they girls are all on roller skates. its great if we had one here i would so work there. rollerskating around a resturant and looking fly. yeah baby. i dont remember how to rollerskate but one can relearn, like riding a bike. i guess. im a bad ass rollerblader though. haha. so i eat a vegetarian sandwich with my sister. i was kinda forced to share b/c i was limited in the cash. but it was all good. i kind felt bad b/c i was the only one without the money and i did feel like i was keeping everyone behind b/c of my age. like they couldn go to drink in clubs and stuff b/c i couldnt get in. i felt really bad. but back to my day. we headed out to the sd. we hit traffic. so lame stop and go stop and go. boo! but i did see so many cute boys! like th on in the volkswagen. we drove though orange county. my favorite place was san clemente it was so beautiful and dana point. i loved it even though i saw it in a car i loved it. we got to the hotel in la mesa and settled down at around 7pm. my sister and i had a single. it was fun i guess. i took a shower and watched their tv. its hard adjusting to the channels but the craving for tv compels me to adjust. we didnt sleep till like 3-330 am. it was fun b/c we spit wadded the other room with everyone else it was in the shape of a happy face. oh fuck how could i forget. i left out like the a meat of everything 7pm-12am. we hit the downtown area. it is so busy and there are lots of boys. i was dying hungry that my bulemic tendancies started to kick in. you know the gaging and all that stuff. but i had three fish tacos from the rubios grill. it was good. then we go out and walk around. it is so busy and all these trendy people are there going to clubs and bars and trendy bars. smokers and stuf. yeah it was great. busy. i was drawn to the carrage bkes that take people around. i liked a lot of the bike boys. so nice. then we said hello to my sisters friend jay. he is cool. yeah he had to go to work so he didnt go out. so in the beginning of the night we pass a store called hustlers. you know like the magazine by larry flint. so you could guess what kind of store it is. later in the night we end up going there. it was really fun my sister and i bonded how you say in a porn shop. kinda morbid but true, it was funny b/c the bottom 2 floors are tame. nothing naked till the third floor. all the pornos are up there. there were so many things i wanted to get for everyone books like the ethical slut and this karma sutra book and a beanie baby like doll with a huge dong. it was so funny. i wanted to buy a penis shaped cake pan for peoples bdays. like happy bday heres a cake in the shape of a penis! the cards are not so good but they had a pretty extensive collection of porn like the 4 finger club and snoop dogs movies. i was inpressed b/c i could only imagine how the one in oxnard is but this was blew me away. it was trendy on the first floor there was a cafe you could say and the top was so well lit. like no shame and i liked it. people laughed and we all kinda felt a bond even though they were strangers. i wante the penis shaped pasta. but we spent a majority of the night there. my sister bought a tampon holder for her bag. it is so great. it is so blatant it makes it better. it has a cool guy on it too. we go back to the hotel but first a quick stop at the 7-11 for some "refreshments" my sister got a slurpee but everyone else got 6 packs. that made about 24 beers and some taqulias however you spell that. we stopped but to listen to there conversations but nothing funny they were not that wasted. but it was so funny what we did. i liked it downtown it was like ventura but bigger and better way bigger and way better.
weird sight of the day: a car being towed that was in a accedent. but isnt that that was weird. on the window it had "blood" written on it like by the police. butit wass on the back of an suv. so it was bad so that isd the weord sight of the day.
i have so much more to write ill do it tomorrow.