its so hard to watch all my friends go on to bigger and better places while i stay here.
Friday, August 16, 2002
goodbye winona good luck in all you persue!
its so hard to watch all my friends go on to bigger and better places while i stay here.
its so hard to watch all my friends go on to bigger and better places while i stay here.
so today was pretty interesting. i went to the grocery store today and you know how exciting that is. anyways i usually go with my mom just to stay sane. so nothing really stands out to me just the delivered "daily" sign that one day i plan to steal. anyways so im standing with the cart and i look over and i notice that there is this old couple. being me i occasionally sneak a look into peoples baskets to see what todays consumers are buying. anyways the old couple have five one quart cartons in their basket. im thinking what?! why? im saying you can buy a gallon and one quart but no they had five. it made no sense. i thought it was funny. then my borther and i got to talking. what if they grew up with quarts and think that gallons are the devil just like how we think that purple and green ketsup is the devil. but then i went to go get some vegetable for my mom and i look over at another old couple a totally different one and i look in their basket and i see that they have four half gallons! WHAT?! so i go tell my brother and i say they know something that we dont. why dont they buy normal gallons like the rest of us? it was the weirdest thing. old people were out in numbers today at the commasary. there was one couple that caught my attentiong. they were not weird in any way and there was no quirk to them. they were just the ideal couple that i wanted to be. they both held on to the cart and they helped each other. it was the cutest and i want to be them like me and my husband. ah it was a good day. i tried a kilvasa or however you spell that wonderful sausages name and i got some good fruit chews by sunkist. good times at the grocery store. i figure if and when i live in long beach i would sepnd hours in the store just looking at people and the only thing i will buy is bread. its all about the people watching. i like going and out and looking at people and finding quirks about them that i can write about. im a bit gaseous b/c i drank milk. i guess i have a slight intolerance for the dairy. eh i still love the dairy.
possibly one of the worst covers: american jesus by simple plan and i have to agree with lisa when she says "anything by simple plan is bad" and they are canadian singing american jesus. there is one song that i find the lyrics to be very cute. its called id do anything. very cute lyrics.
the breakfast clus is one right now so in honor of its telecast i present the letter:
Dear Mr. Vernon,
We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out, is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question?
Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club
possibly one of the worst covers: american jesus by simple plan and i have to agree with lisa when she says "anything by simple plan is bad" and they are canadian singing american jesus. there is one song that i find the lyrics to be very cute. its called id do anything. very cute lyrics.
the breakfast clus is one right now so in honor of its telecast i present the letter:
Dear Mr. Vernon,
We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out, is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question?
Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club
Thursday, August 15, 2002
i wake up and my mom is cooking fried rice. yum. so then i get ready to go to winonas pool place. it was fun. everyone there were about three platters of fried rice but it was all good. lots of frisbee fun, pool and hot tub madness, fun with people from our class. it was just good times. tennis and such. i think i am in love with frisbee. like everywhere i go i think im going to bring one. yeah. the green nail polish is chipping off. i tried to stand on a boggie boasrd but they failed. there was a mass game of marco polo in the pool. noodles and stuff great times. it was a fun but it thing was that it was one of winonas last days and probably one of the last days ill see some of them like dan. its was real fun and just remember the good times i guess. i still have to apply so remember i have to go to school. my mom is kinda mad at me but who isnt?
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
my hair was being extra cooporative today. it was easy to blow dry and such thank you hair. so i wake up again to a lawn mower. it kinda bugs b/c yesterday i woke up b/c my brother was mowing the lawn. thats ok b/c it is keeping up the apperance of my house. other people didnt have to copy them. at least they werent playing nelly or afroman in the process. oh man who ever did that needs to stop. so last night i decided to drop the blue nail polish and go for the green. the blue was chipping so i had to change it. so i file my nails a bit buff them and today when i woke up i painted them green or forest from what the bottle says. anyways for lunch i decided to make some top ramen b/c i havent had it in a long time. it was good just like i remember. yum yum. but it burned my tounge so bad. but yum either way. so my mom told me to get dressed b/c she wants to go to the base and get some stuff so i agree. then i realize that there is a dent in the shape of something on my left fingernail polish. DAMN! oh well i drive my mom to pick up my brother at the golf course and then off to the store we go. i wanted a lot of things but the best thing i got was the blue pepsi. i like it sooo much better than the vanilla coke. i think im crazy but who cares? its a sada and its blue and it is like drinking candy so i am cool with it. oh yeah and i got some new pjs butterscotch. i saw charisse walking in as the new gc song came on. it was weird b/c i could get some san diego station but no kroq. funny. anywasy they played good music till i started driving. then i drive home and life becomes boring. at the store i got three smiles from people i dont know. it creeped me out. yuck. but the blue pepsi was my highlight. i didnt go to the grocery store. i think the next time i go there i am going to take the "daily" sign. tomorrow is winonas goodbye bonanza. i think im bringing some fresh fruit. woo hoo healthy! but alas i have no more suit. well a nice one. the last time i went kyacking i used my nice suit. when i got home i guess i left it in the garage and nobody hung it up so when i go to look for it last week it was all moldy and stretched out. its really gross so i had to throw it away. it mad me sad. so all i have left is my other school suit. i wore it last time b/c that same suit was wet. bah! i loved that suit. i thought ian thorpe was just a passing thing but hes too cute to dismiss.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002
so if you havent noticed i changed to font. i got tired of the old one and i like the new one b/c it is clear and readable and you could see how badly i spell. again like everyday of my mundane life, i do nothing. its kinda getting repetitive. i do nothing but watch tv and lotd of it. i m waiting b/c the tny hawk show is going to be on and its great. im happy that it is on so yeah. lets see, i saw the thunderbirds. a show i havent seen in a long time and i see how great the show is and how i underappreciated the show when i was little. all i need to see is out of this world and ill be a happy ant. and my new word is butterscotch. it doesnt replace magic it is just there. and my new task is to get a frisbee to roll from one arm to the other. yeah and the other word i am trying to incorporate is chop and trying to use the cookie language so keep your ears open. so thatas about it. and i want to learn how to type fast.
Monday, August 12, 2002
so im at my neighbors house and my mom knocks on the door. she says that there are some people at the house looking for me. im like wha? so charisse rachelle and winona are inside my house, it was fun b/c they ate heathy fat kid food kinda. then we all left to go to drop off more invitations. we looked for veritys house in the magical hemlock, went to gabes like three times, looked for stephanies house and then worke up kevin, and went to jasons. not in that order. it was great saying hi to people that i haven seen in a while. anyways they we kidnapped gabe and went to jesus's house. heis mom gave us flan. it was good. then i went home. i then realized that everyone is leaving. my senior friends are going to be in school and worry about school while im at home. maybe i should go on the real world or something. that would be funny. anyways it kinda bugs me that im not doing anything.stephanie has a cool green room. not real clean but cool anyways. my room is a nice palin white thats why i cover it with pictures of people that i may never meet, boys of my dreams, and my heros. seeing everyones house makes me want to have a house all on my lonesome and have people come over. i need to make more friend b/c when everyone leaves everyone else in oxnard will be in school. so i have to get out more once everyone is in school but then they will probably have school and im back to being lonesome.
now its ucsb so i could live with my hurts really them changing everything. what everr happend to as long as you are doing something we will support you all the way?
Sunday, August 11, 2002
so i wake up at 8:15am so i can get ready in time to go to church. its kinda weird but there were a lot more people in the church today then there are during normal weeks scarry. anyways im kinda pissed b/c my parents wnat me to go to busness school. i cant even spell business so why the hell should i got to school. they offerd that if i got to channel island and get business, i will get a new car. like new new. im like hmm...persue something that i want to do or persue something that my parents want. if i go the material way i will be unhappy and not be creative. they want me to go into real estate. yeah real creativity. it suck so much b.c they want me to think about the future. but im not even sure about tomorrow so why should i be thinking about beyond tomorrow? it suck b/c i could totally use a new car but i would be cheating myself of a good experience and a chance to learn all by myself. i know they want to save money but its just seems like im lying to myself and i would be unhappy. i pormised myself that i would do something that makes me happy. they cant tell me what to do. they say they want it to be easy for me. i say sometimes the easy way isnt the real way. i have to figure things out on my own. so that totally bummed me out and the other thing is that the finch cd was only 6.99 at best buy and i was going to buy it but it was not there so boo. i saw star wars attack of the clones today. can you say bipolar? yes palpatine is bipolar. the guy who was in the lord of the rings you know saruman is an evil man just evil. i noticed in that navy men dont sit next to each other. its either everyother seat or two seats between. its quite funny. i feel gagsih like i want to throw up my foos but i dont want to b.c i like to eat. i guess b.c i woke up at 8am the lack of sleep could do that to you. i drove to the movies at night all by my lonesome my sister was there too but i did the driving. i got a haircut not too short but layered so its cool. feeing kinda better after a few farts.
i love tj lavin i have to get the cup at the 7-11 HAVE TO!

i love tj lavin i have to get the cup at the 7-11 HAVE TO!