eizelle's word of the wise: eating lots of watermelon is like drinking lots of water. you pee a lot!
Thursday, August 01, 2002
so im not leaving till like 12-1am. yes not till the we hours in the morning. and i wont be in the sd till saturday. i happy that the guys house that we are staying at has cable and a dvd player. im happy. i can also watch undressed and stuff. so im good. i actually drove without my mom on base. it was fun. i got to curse at all the people who really suck at driving. like the guy in the legend and the person driving the pontiac. good thing i drive with the window down.i said the f word and i screamed at people. oh man i like driving alone. i saw ashleigh h and i saw casey l. and i saw bellfield i dont know his first name. i saw a lot of people and i didnt say one word to them. i was going to turn around and say hi the ashleigh but i was driving and then i was going to say hi to casey but i dont know why but i didnt. damn shyness. i dont know why i dont say hi to people like i dont feel shy but when it is broken down, i am shy only to people i know. i got some film and i got some money. i have to save up try not to use it as much. so i an get tickets to shows. ah i need money but then i cant get a job so i can go to college. boo! so ill be back ill try to get some free crap.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
my scrapbook is probably the only thing going on in my life. i work on it or i look at it and make corrections. i still have to look for cute viewing inhancing pictures. so i saw austin powers goldmember today. it was kinda gross. like it was funny it had its moments but its was a weak ending. but good i would recommend a matanee viewing and save the big bucks for a better movie. i was really excited to see the two towers trailer. i really want to see that movie now and the lord of the rings video is coming out too. im excited! i wish i had dvd player. but of course this is coing from a girl that has a tv from the 70's and parent that refuse to buy anything new to inhance the tv viewing experience until we buy a new tv. not satalite, no dvd until we get a tv. but new tvs dont last as long as our 70's tv. they are not made with quality they say. well, i say thats why tvs are kinda getting cheap. oh well. i saw my tech tv boy today on the tv. he and the rest of the set were wearing kilts. he has a tatoo on his leg. oh i melt for theboy of my dreams. but alas it os only in my dreams.
i can say that i did more than nothing. after the movie we went to winonas to eat food. and then to ross and mervyns and burlingtons and wore hats. ahh the fun times. then we went to the book store and had some fun looking at sex books and then i went home. i took a shower and then i have to pack up for the weekend. my sister said to look cute for the cute art/comic guys that she knows. i say there are cute comic book guys?
i can say that i did more than nothing. after the movie we went to winonas to eat food. and then to ross and mervyns and burlingtons and wore hats. ahh the fun times. then we went to the book store and had some fun looking at sex books and then i went home. i took a shower and then i have to pack up for the weekend. my sister said to look cute for the cute art/comic guys that she knows. i say there are cute comic book guys?
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
a day of nothing again. geeze i like watching tv all day from 12pm to roughly 12am. yeah dont look at me like that. you can ask me whats on b/c i probably know. i watch tv and work on my scrapbook. its great. i listen to the tv and then i work on stuff. im eventually going to get to sewing things b/c i am eventually going to finsh my scrapbook and i will have nothing to do. so i guess ill have to take up sewing. i realized that it is a long way from now till january when hopefully college will start for me. right now im relaxing b/c its going to be like november all over again.stress and stuff. i have to get all this fed aide stuff straightened out and stuff and i have to start looking for the scholarships and stuff. i found a prospective apartment if i am to go there. i just have to find some people that i know to live with me in long beach. thats if i go there. so im kinda nervous. b/c like what happens if i dont get in. you know? i have all that stress that you all felt just later. it is stange. im kinda feeling left out b.c everyone is leaving or planning to leave. im just here like in the city like oh well. like iust watch the grass grow and keep lookin to the past b/c of my scrapbook. er...i finally figure things out so i hope it works. my inital plan fails so i try again. and this time im not going to let my guard down im going to do my best and all that junk.
so nothing funny happend today. i watched the mighty ducks. i have to say that that is a good disney movie for a disney movie. they say bitch, ass and hell in the movie and they still get a pg rating. thats like a pg13 standards for today.
oh yeah so im flossing my teeth. and the floss gets stuck in my teeth. like i cant get the sting out. i freak out. floss in the teeth not so sexy so im trying to pull it out b/c it is basically tangled in betewwn my teeth. like its waxed but the strings all caom out so not so waxy floss. it is like stuck in my teeth for like 2 minutes. thats 2 minutes too long. and then im wiggling it around and it comes out. im like woo. how would life be if dental floss was stuck in my teeth forever?
so nothing funny happend today. i watched the mighty ducks. i have to say that that is a good disney movie for a disney movie. they say bitch, ass and hell in the movie and they still get a pg rating. thats like a pg13 standards for today.
oh yeah so im flossing my teeth. and the floss gets stuck in my teeth. like i cant get the sting out. i freak out. floss in the teeth not so sexy so im trying to pull it out b/c it is basically tangled in betewwn my teeth. like its waxed but the strings all caom out so not so waxy floss. it is like stuck in my teeth for like 2 minutes. thats 2 minutes too long. and then im wiggling it around and it comes out. im like woo. how would life be if dental floss was stuck in my teeth forever?
Monday, July 29, 2002
so red eye kinda hurts but not the real red eye like there was a eyelash really deep in my eye i had to dig it out. it came out last night and i was really happy. i was cleaning my eye with a cotton tipped swab and this filmly stuff was all over my eye. i took it out and poof the eyelash from the deep depths of my eye. ah ha my eye has no more red. it was just a stupid eyelash. arrg...an eyelash. i thought i was going blind. if i make one suggestion for today it is to go out and buy the venus shaver thing. it is so great! it pivots and stuff no cuts and it has three blades. i am so loving this thing. i got it for like 6 bucks and it came with a little can of shaving gel and a holder and a rasor cartridge. its so great. it feels like it it not working because it is so light. its just the greatest thing in the world. so ill be gone on thursday. my mom actually let me go to sd with my sister. im kinds nervous b.c i dont know anyone else but my sister. so i guess ill be staying near her mostly...all the time. so yeah im kinda scared.the thing that gets me is that my mom wouldnt let me go to a rafting trip with a church but she is letting me go to sd with my sister and her alcoholic friends. i did nothing today if it makes you feel better. i took a shower used my new rasor and thats about it. the new rasor was the higlight of my day. i saw shes all that for like the 100th time.you know the part at the party? well paul walker is wasted yet he can make full sentences and make the observation that he himself is wasted.funny. i found the bad religion i taped for my brother and then i worked on my scrapbook.
i saw a commercal today for this pill on yeast infection. it says it is better than any cream. but this pill had more side effects than just a regular cream. im thinking not many creams have side effects. that pill can give you liver problems, im thinking no cream can give you liver problems. i guess it is the convience of it all. no messy creams. they also say not to take the pil you you are convulsing.im thinking, if you are convlusing a yeast infection is the least thing on you mind. like im convlusing, "hey my vag is being weird, i think i have a yeast infection! that means i cant take that one treatment pill damn! i have to use the messy cream" all while i having a convulsing. strange medicine brings strange thoughts. like the herpes pills. in the commercail people are kickboxing and sailing and shit all b/c i took that pill. if i have herpes that really doesnt motivate me to go out and take that pill. i dont want to limit myself to kickboxing and sailing. i want to do more with my herpes. thats what i say.

ask me about my scrapbook
i saw a commercal today for this pill on yeast infection. it says it is better than any cream. but this pill had more side effects than just a regular cream. im thinking not many creams have side effects. that pill can give you liver problems, im thinking no cream can give you liver problems. i guess it is the convience of it all. no messy creams. they also say not to take the pil you you are convulsing.im thinking, if you are convlusing a yeast infection is the least thing on you mind. like im convlusing, "hey my vag is being weird, i think i have a yeast infection! that means i cant take that one treatment pill damn! i have to use the messy cream" all while i having a convulsing. strange medicine brings strange thoughts. like the herpes pills. in the commercail people are kickboxing and sailing and shit all b/c i took that pill. if i have herpes that really doesnt motivate me to go out and take that pill. i dont want to limit myself to kickboxing and sailing. i want to do more with my herpes. thats what i say.

ask me about my scrapbook
Sunday, July 28, 2002
i woke up with a red eye today. it was not so bad but it still itched. and it still does. so i go to church and it is a chaplian that we havent had in a while. he is good but his sermons are like lessons. they give explinations and stuff. basically you can be tested on all the things he said today. my borther and i kept on joking about test on tuesday. and then i said that that would be a good band name. then i went home b/c i didnt want to go to the classic car show so i drove my moms car while my dad and mom drove behind me. they said i was driving fast. but i say 55 is not fast for a 45 area. then i did laundry and then my sister left and she dropped me off at the rite aide so can get some pictures developed. but i instead went to albertsons b/c they had one hour reprints. and there was a sale there too. 50% off reprints. great! i got 9 prints for $1.67 instead of $3.something.
then i walked home but then my neighbor pulled up and asked me if i needed ride. so i got a ride home. then i worked on my scrapbook. and then now im here
then i walked home but then my neighbor pulled up and asked me if i needed ride. so i got a ride home. then i worked on my scrapbook. and then now im here
so i wake up at 9:30is and i hear my family eating and laughing and such at the breakfast table. and they had burittos for breakfast. im trying to sleep and stuff and i cant b/c my family is loud at the breakfast table. sometimes i wonder what i am missing but then i fall asleep. and wake up at 11:something b/c my sister knocks on my door to ask if we were still going to the dishwalla show today. im like YES! go away in my head. im like its only 11:something i still have to eat. i was really hungary at like 12 at night so lunchy was sounding really nice. so i got down to a salad. no not anything with real staying power. salad is like meh in my stomach. so i ate some mandarin oranges to settle it down. then i drove yes i drove my older sister and brother on base b/c i had id. it was kinda fun. i parked between 2 cars. i have a problem with parking so that was a feat on its own. then we walked over to the place where the carnival was. it was pretty boring. the concert then started. i knew 3 songs. counting blue cars and somewhere in the middle. the third song was a cover or tainted love so i dont know if that counts. anyways i was kinda not happy with the show b/c i dont really enjoy adult contemporary. they were good. i guess. sitting on the ground was a new thing for me. anyways there were these 40 year old groupies that sang and danced to every song. they were wearing skirts and tops and stuff. looking young like forever 21 one girl was like that. they crowded the stage and it was only three of them then it grew to five and then like ten. it was borthersome. it was cool that kenw the workds but they were taking pictures like a mad banchee. they made the show bad. then afterwards i wanted to get pictures with the band, but they ran off. fast. i kknow bands on bigger labels than they are who at least stayed and signed the over priced cds they were selling. no they ran away. it was cool. then i got my pictures developed and it was all happy b/c i got all the pics from warped tour. it was really great. i LOVE them. then jesse calls i call back and then the next thing i know im in a car with rachelle and linda learning to drive a stick. rachelle is the woman. she learned like real fast. linda got freaked and i promished that before spring of 2003 i will be a lean mean stick shift driving machine. anyways we watched amelie. it is such a great movie. i can see why my sister loves that movie. it makes you feel so nice inside. then i go home.
then i wonder, why are they showing the chilils commercial with nsync. i mean they fell off the face of the planet right? maybe they are trying to fund the space trip lance wants to take or they more money b/c they arent doing shit. hmm... the world may never know

then i wonder, why are they showing the chilils commercial with nsync. i mean they fell off the face of the planet right? maybe they are trying to fund the space trip lance wants to take or they more money b/c they arent doing shit. hmm... the world may never know