Sunday, May 19, 2002

do you like my movie? anyways today was spent in pomona. at around 9:30anm linda came to pick me up and then we picked up lisa. it was fun. outside we met these guys julilo and matt and the guy i cant remember the name. once we go in we went to the front and no use for a name played like 30 seconds of the song. it was fun look like you are not having fun it was great. it was like that the whole day. play 30 seconds and then stop. the director was like ok that was ok perfect, do it again. and woof, or check check check me out. he was funny. they were so nice they got us pizzas and then more pizzas when they found out that not everyone got pizzas. we also got free t shirts and posters and they signed it. they were all so nice.but the guys took off with our cd singles so we have to track them down