so red eye kinda hurts but not the real red eye like there was a eyelash really deep in my eye i had to dig it out. it came out last night and i was really happy. i was cleaning my eye with a cotton tipped swab and this filmly stuff was all over my eye. i took it out and poof the eyelash from the deep depths of my eye. ah ha my eye has no more red. it was just a stupid eyelash. eyelash. i thought i was going blind. if i make one suggestion for today it is to go out and buy the venus shaver thing. it is so great! it pivots and stuff no cuts and it has three blades. i am so loving this thing. i got it for like 6 bucks and it came with a little can of shaving gel and a holder and a rasor cartridge. its so great. it feels like it it not working because it is so light. its just the greatest thing in the world. so ill be gone on thursday. my mom actually let me go to sd with my sister. im kinds nervous b.c i dont know anyone else but my sister. so i guess ill be staying near her mostly...all the time. so yeah im kinda scared.the thing that gets me is that my mom wouldnt let me go to a rafting trip with a church but she is letting me go to sd with my sister and her alcoholic friends. i did nothing today if it makes you feel better. i took a shower used my new rasor and thats about it. the new rasor was the higlight of my day. i saw shes all that for like the 100th know the part at the party? well paul walker is wasted yet he can make full sentences and make the observation that he himself is wasted.funny. i found the bad religion i taped for my brother and then i worked on my scrapbook.
i saw a commercal today for this pill on yeast infection. it says it is better than any cream. but this pill had more side effects than just a regular cream. im thinking not many creams have side effects. that pill can give you liver problems, im thinking no cream can give you liver problems. i guess it is the convience of it all. no messy creams. they also say not to take the pil you you are thinking, if you are convlusing a yeast infection is the least thing on you mind. like im convlusing, "hey my vag is being weird, i think i have a yeast infection! that means i cant take that one treatment pill damn! i have to use the messy cream" all while i having a convulsing. strange medicine brings strange thoughts. like the herpes pills. in the commercail people are kickboxing and sailing and shit all b/c i took that pill. if i have herpes that really doesnt motivate me to go out and take that pill. i dont want to limit myself to kickboxing and sailing. i want to do more with my herpes. thats what i say.

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i saw a commercal today for this pill on yeast infection. it says it is better than any cream. but this pill had more side effects than just a regular cream. im thinking not many creams have side effects. that pill can give you liver problems, im thinking no cream can give you liver problems. i guess it is the convience of it all. no messy creams. they also say not to take the pil you you are thinking, if you are convlusing a yeast infection is the least thing on you mind. like im convlusing, "hey my vag is being weird, i think i have a yeast infection! that means i cant take that one treatment pill damn! i have to use the messy cream" all while i having a convulsing. strange medicine brings strange thoughts. like the herpes pills. in the commercail people are kickboxing and sailing and shit all b/c i took that pill. if i have herpes that really doesnt motivate me to go out and take that pill. i dont want to limit myself to kickboxing and sailing. i want to do more with my herpes. thats what i say.

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