Thursday, August 01, 2002

so im not leaving till like 12-1am. yes not till the we hours in the morning. and i wont be in the sd till saturday. i happy that the guys house that we are staying at has cable and a dvd player. im happy. i can also watch undressed and stuff. so im good. i actually drove without my mom on base. it was fun. i got to curse at all the people who really suck at driving. like the guy in the legend and the person driving the pontiac. good thing i drive with the window down.i said the f word and i screamed at people. oh man i like driving alone. i saw ashleigh h and i saw casey l. and i saw bellfield i dont know his first name. i saw a lot of people and i didnt say one word to them. i was going to turn around and say hi the ashleigh but i was driving and then i was going to say hi to casey but i dont know why but i didnt. damn shyness. i dont know why i dont say hi to people like i dont feel shy but when it is broken down, i am shy only to people i know. i got some film and i got some money. i have to save up try not to use it as much. so i an get tickets to shows. ah i need money but then i cant get a job so i can go to college. boo! so ill be back ill try to get some free crap.