Friday, August 09, 2002

do you ever wonder what balll players are thinking in the bullpin? i do. you always see them talking. i think they are talking about their uniforms and how it makes thier butts look big. "man my ass looked so big when i wear thr away uniform. thank goodness im wearing the white uniform. is so slimming." "you said it" and then he does this hand thing.
i think you can see that i go to the grocery store to go people watching right? it is the only public place where freaks are accepted. its the one place d & d nerds, computer geeks, comic book readers, trendy people, corporate people, rich people, poor people just all people will go. everyone is accepted. those sliding doors open for everyone no bias. people can go to the express lane with more food than is allowed and then pay with food stamps and then go to their brand new dodge minivan. they play music the reaches all of us like just a girl. i love the grocery store. where else can you be asked the age old question of paper or plastic?
so i go today and the first thing i notice is an old couple using an umbrella so i immediatly assume they are satanist. inside i notice the krispy kreme dougnuts. the devil. yeah anyways a sign read delivered "daily." what is with the quotes? is it not delivered daily or is it in theory? the quotes kinda scared me. maybe daily is a metaphor for not really from krispy kreme. we are just saying they are deliverd daily form the store to fool you simple minded base people. anyways it was not a very exciting day. i remember at the mcdonalds there were these two french ladies. they are there like every friday. they eat a fish filet and get a coffee. it is the same every friday i think. i dint really go there every friday. this time the had pictures to talk french about. it was interesting listening to thier conversation that i could not understand. then i see them at the grocery store thus backing my theory that all the sliding door open for everyone. i mean they opened for people who speak the france. back the mcdonalds, i was looking out the window and there is this kid pushing a shopping cart. i thought cute. then i eat then and in like 10 minutes that kid is still pushing the cart. first i think, where is this kids mother? then i think no i wanna see how long this shopping cart will keep this kid occupied you know for future reference when i have to go the restroom. but then i was thinking if this kid goes on for longer, this kid is determined to make this doll happy. so i did nothing the grocery store is my life b/c i dont get many calls. i have to retreat to my inner rants to make it look like i have something to do, when in actuallity i dont have one b.c 1 i cant leave the house or 2 i get no calls or i dont call people. tomorrow i think ill have to do something. i have to think about thay one till then i am open to ideas. im thinking about going around looking for a good garage sale.