Saturday, June 01, 2002

now i have a good size bruse on my knee. fun fun fun. usually i wake up in intervals. like i would wake up at 7am then go back to sleep. then wake up at 10 am and go back to sleep then wake up at 11am and then actually wake up. but today i just opened my eyes and magically it was 11am. i was like shit! why? i get up to walk to the bathroom and as i walk out my door, my pants fall. apparently the pull string was not tied. anyways after that i ate my delectable breakfast buritto and i was asked to drive my mom on base. i had a litte trouble changing lanes i tend to weave so i guess i need to practice. there i got a smoothie at baskin robins. actually it wasnt the best smoothie ive had but eh it was a smoothie. there was nothing there i wanted except these plaid shorts and a black and white am/fm tv. it is so rad b/c it only get am/fm channels on tv. its great then when i got home i watched grease again and then cat on a hot tin roof was on so i had to watch. its such a good movie i have to remember to tape it the next time it is on. grease is such a good movie to watch especially at this time b.c of the graduation thing. it was fun. then i watched a bunch of cribs and then cut up my shirt. for TWO whole hours i was hand sewing the seams of the shirt. it was worth it. i was so proud. all i need to do is hem the bottom and sew on sleeves and ill be done.

i love to evesdrop on random peoples converastions. in mcdonalds i was listening to these air force guys conversation. it was funny b.c they were talking about their girlfriends and how they have deep conversations. it was so funny. i wish i brought my tapr recorder. then at the exchange the planters peanut life size guy was giving away, you guessed it planters peanuts! itr was great again and i wished i had my camera.