Thursday, May 30, 2002

Thrillers unite! woo was today fun. well not really but it was fun looking at the thrillers and smiling b/c we only knew and then grossing out those who do know. eric humping people getting weird looks at people we told.... ah high school... it was fun. for some reason it feels like im not wearing any underwear but i am so it feels weird. like my mind is confused. i did a cartwheel fifth period in the quad. then i swam. it was a good workout. i needed that after feeling fat and stuff. in english mrs chavaliler decided to pile on the work last minute. its so frustrating. if she told us ahead of time. THANK YOU JESUS FOR goingTO TAPE THE $2 BILL ON MTV2 ONE JUNE 2 AT 7PM! you rock~! it funny how i dont care that much for school yet i stil do my homework and stuff. in home ec i learned how to sew on a button! not that i already knew how too. oh no im getting a pimple in my nose! it hurts gotta kill it now! oh i will ...i thought it was funny how i remembered jeffs name in the nutrition line today. it always slips my mond i guess b/c lisa wanted a cookie i rememberd his name. i mean i did hang out with him in summer school with a bunch of other people that i dont remember. ah summer those were fun times.

i remembered why i dont like telling people who i really like...people will tease you! so i keep them inside in a box hidden from everyone, and when they turn away i look inside and smile. its my secret, i tend to tell everything to people anyways so i need something for myself right? ive never told anyone who i have a crush on except maybe in the sixth grade, but after that ive never told anyone.