Friday, May 31, 2002

im going crazy! the basketball game is killing me. if they dont win, im going to cry like a baby. but shaq, 8/8 at the moment good job! anyways to my day. in school, nothing special. physics is the devil, english is the devil. they go hand in hand. math was werid. we had a sub they subs in juvie and hes all like they are no different. its just the killed someone so they are no different than any of you kids. yeah weird. in home ec. we learned how to sew on a snap. woo! then she asked me and darlene to correct some papers it passed the time away. in office parctice, me and fred did nothing but walk around, it was fun i guess. he showed me his car b/c he just got his licence. im kinda jealous b/c hes younger that me but im ok. i will drive oh yes i swim we swam for 20 minutes straight.i feel healthy. im going to miss swimming but there is always the base pool i guess. i saw this thing on sugarcult kinda cool, i guess, hopefully next time they will have another cool band. the funniest thing that i heard today was my mom blaming me for buying 1% milk the pink gallon. but i remember buying the 2% the blue gallon. my mom insists it was me. but i remember distinctly buying the blue. so i proceed to retrace my steps. my mom then realizes that my dad and her went shopping on saturday. and the ass kicker is it was my dad who go the 1% milk. HA! i say to them. then my mom and dad get in a debate about how fat is fat and that 2% has really 5% fat and that 1% really has 2%. but my mom says it is milkfat but my dad says that fat is fat. it was funny as hell. i wish i had a camera to tape this all. then my mom tells me that i am "stuck" in the house becasue i come home late. i mena that was two instances and she said that i could come home before 12am and i did. i came home before 11pm. it pisses me off b/c im a little older. oh yeah she doesnt believe that i made funnel cake b/c i didnt take any home. whatever, ill find ways around this dictatorship they run oh yes i will... i did cartwheels again in school, it was great fun, i did one at lunch and one 5th period. i heard clapping after i did it but i dont know if it was for me who knows.

i kind feel like a big looser too b/c its friday im at home doing homework. ah im AM a looser! its all my parents fault, they still treat me like im a little girl, i guess they cant get ovet the fact that im getting older and that i need to ween off them but they wont let me. someone told me that i need to go out and see the world. i cant remember who it was but i will and when i do i will tell you, back on track i dont know. why are people so suprised when i tell them im not going to college? (yet?) im just lost and cant find my way right now. ask me in a year what i want to be and maybe ill give you an answer.