Friday, February 21, 2003
Thursday, February 20, 2003

i havent formally introduced you to the love of my life at the current moment. everyone this is my longboard (not the exact one but its the same spirit) its the hibiscus one.
i love it when commercials make references to movies. i saw a long distance commercial today and they referenced lloyd dobler in say anything when he is standing outside of diane courts house with the stereo playing in your eyes by peter gabriel. the guy dropped his old long distance company and the long distance operator is standing outside with a radio playing some song. it was great. i was the only one laughing in the usu. i guess nobody caught the reference.
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
so my university 100 class went to the special collections part of the library. they house a bunch of old books and such. you know the kind you need gloves to read. it was a pretty funny place. this guy in my class was bitched at for reading a book he wasnt supposed to so he stole gloves from them. the lady who was talking was pretty boring. me and a this girl in my class were making comments. it was great.
i probably had the biggest smile today....
i probably had the biggest smile today....
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
Monday, February 17, 2003
currently taking donations of burned LPs or mixed cds.
sick and tired of the cds in my collection....just a thought...i also want to get mail...
sick and tired of the cds in my collection....just a thought...i also want to get mail...
lets see sunday i skated around the neighborhood. i went to the ralphs. its nice. the baggers are too. all of them. then i saw a car fuul of boys palying brand new really loud. that made me smile. skating around is a lot faster than just walking but it sucks here b/c the sidewalks just end they don meld into the streets like the ones back home. ah oh well. today i didnt do much. i realized i got a lot meaner. like today i was waiting for the bus and this old guy from school sits next to me. my first thought is "does he get double discount for being a senior and a student?" yeah i get irritated a lot easier too, like there were people talking and laughing loud as i was walking to history. err...i guess if i cant talk loud and laugh NOBODY CAN! i think i need to just talk to someone other than myself b/c i think im pissing myself off. the more i listen to me talk to me i get pissed. like dammit i have a good personality why the hell cant i talk to people? b/c you lame stop talking!
in history i heard the words hardcore and stripping in the same sentence but not together. if i took something important from early us history its that anne hutchenson was a hardcore stripper...stripper of puritan society that is!
in history i heard the words hardcore and stripping in the same sentence but not together. if i took something important from early us history its that anne hutchenson was a hardcore stripper...stripper of puritan society that is!
Saturday, February 15, 2003
never mind the gift for my landlady. i found out that i cant sit on the coutch in the living room so i had to straigten it out. kinda irratated me. then i had to get out so me and my housemate jenny went around long beach. i saw downtown. i like it. theres second street that reminds me of main street ventura. excpet they have tillys and other trendy stores, i guess its more like state street but not really. if that makes any sense. yeah. you know how the bech is supposed to be a nice calm place to be. well not in long beach. the beach looking out on the beach is looking out at oil rigs. its really not peaceful and beautiful not like home at least when i look out i dont see and island near the shore or oil tankers. it was better than being in my room all day. i did cash out my last paycheck its sad b/c thats the last of my money. i need a job. sigh...i had a veggie works buritto from del taco.good as always. when i got home i watched tv.
Friday, February 14, 2003
tomorrow i have no school so im going to run some errands tomorrow if the weather permits. i have to go to the bank and cash out a check and get a vd girt for my landlady. i didnt do much today. went to school. i took a nap in the usu, you know the normal. i debated whether or not if i should buy a smoothie, i didnt. i want to do a 5 k run based on the fact that its a one hit wonder 5 k run. like at every marker a one hit wonder band will play. people like REMEMBER ANIMOTION, C+C MUSIC FACTORY, FLOCK OF SEAGULLS, GERARDO, MISSING PERSONS AND STEPHEN PEARCY - ORIGINAL LEAD SINGER OF RATT? at every mile, thats so great. i would run my heart out just to see flock of seagulls even though i suck.
i think i like like someone, the funny thing is that i dont talk to him and i dont think he notices me...happy vd
i think i like like someone, the funny thing is that i dont talk to him and i dont think he notices me...happy vd
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
it sucked today b/c it rained. i was damp the whole day. i had ann umbrella but it was windy. oh well. i went over to the dorms today. its pretty small but cool. stupid communications. i hate talking about myself especially to people that i dont know. i got an email from alexis. its funny b/c she moved back to oxnard from lb while i moved to lb from oxnard. funny. it was just a crappy day but i did see the ron/anthony person. im too afraid to ask to take a picture. i had a camera, i carry one with me everyday but i never take pictures.
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
i had a pretty good dinner yesterday and today. yesterday i had some really good chicken my mom made me with fresh steamed veggies and cheese sauce and rice. today i had spagetti with steamed veggies. all good. home is just a spoonful away. im running out of ragu so i need to go out and get some more. there are many times when im on the bus and i wish i had a car. yesterday for example. im going back and i see a toyota matrix full of boys driving in the opposite direction. so nice. they all had the white boy fros. that was so great. today it was raining so my landlady gave me a ride. i went to the usu to hang out but it was crowded. so i sat on the floor. comm was cut short b/c the professor was sick. anthro i wrote a crappy essay. it was sloppy and not too organized. blah oh well. not a good start b/c we only have tests in that class. now i have to do comm...
Monday, February 10, 2003
how to survive valentines day without a sweetie from usa weekend
1. dont just sit at home and mope. (i say have a party)
2. if you have no single friends, take the day for yourself. (i say why be more lonely?)
3. avoid romantic resturants and bars. ( i say dgo to the bars)
4. for a little end of the day affection, kiss your pets, if you have any. (wow...umm..who do you kiss if you dont have a dog?)
1. dont just sit at home and mope. (i say have a party)
2. if you have no single friends, take the day for yourself. (i say why be more lonely?)
3. avoid romantic resturants and bars. ( i say dgo to the bars)
4. for a little end of the day affection, kiss your pets, if you have any. (wow...umm..who do you kiss if you dont have a dog?)