Saturday, September 14, 2002

you how i said i need a job well im babysitting two days a week thursday and saturday. time im not too sure about. but anyways in one month ill at least have $80. im babysitting for 3 hours today and all i get is $10,. im say at least 15 but beggar never choose she was so nice and i didnt want to negotiate like 5 dollars an hour. i dont really care as long as i get money for me to save im a happy camper. and there is an open fridge policy. so im like free other peoles food, ok. i saw charisse at the commassary. i gave her my tape i made. i hope she likes it. then i saw a bunch of people i go to church with. the older members. it was a really confusing weekend for me. my sister comes home from mountain view and then my sister has appendicitis and cant leave the hospital just yet b/c of fever. i wish the dvd player on my computer worked b/c my sister got cq on dvd and i want to see it.