i actually went somewhere. my sister had this thing with the doctor. it was in ventura. we kinda got lost but i found it. thats right, im a navational half assed rock star. go me. then we went to the mall. i havent been there in a while then i remembered why, the mall annoys me. i saw so many people that went to school. lke joe, sam, nick, some other people that i cant remember the names of. but i saw the shoes that i want and the shirt. but that takes some money and that i dont have... not entirely true but yeah, not a big spender. but when i get more money then i will be a big spender. being in the mall also makes me think about the days when i will never have to pay for clothes again. my plan is to work of a cool clothing company get free clothes and never buy another tshirt again. the plan can change but that is the plan for the time being and it is fun thinking about it. anyways. i have my idea for a tatoo. its a heart on my wrist. just a heart. or maybe a star not sure. and im gonna start stretching my ears out. im using toothpicks i know i know but it works. im looking all over the place for some but cannot find them so im starting slow. still looking. the tony hawk tour thingy ended and i am sad. it was so fun that it had to end.

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