Friday, July 26, 2002

its amazing how everything works out. i was talking to my dad about school and going and stuff and i was like yeah graphic dads like you have no direction fashion first now graphic like i want to do that but....yeah go to whatever school and such. so im like cool. my dad kins supports me. so im happy.
so i go to the store with my mom and again they play good music. its like coldplay and good music. i was kinda creeped out by this guy that worked there. good thing i saw him once. i drove basically all over base looking for my brother. well around the golf course. it was fun driving. tomorrww dishwalla is playing so i guess im going there.
i tried thei mystery flavor from
skittles. strange. i love coupons. i got a big bag of skittles and free bag of starburst. it was kinda exciting.
i saw the comedy central presents with stephan lynch. he is so funny. he plays a guitar and sings really funny songs