Monday, July 22, 2002

so sunday was kinda weird b/c i was basically the only teenager at the church. everyone else was at the rafting trip that i was supposed to be at. oh well. so it was church and then i waited about half an hour in the car for my mom while me and my older sister fought over what to listen to on the radio. then my mom came and we left for our weekly pilgrimage to the grocery store and the sort-of department store right next to it. nothing really i found my dad and my mom. she couldnt figure out what to buy so she followed us in the store. i got a new glue stick so im happy. now alls i need are more clear plastic thingys and im set. the rest of the day was blah till 7ish. all i remember from 3-6 is watching a stupid majic show with a bunch of dancing girls that dont rerally inhance the magic on stage. it was funny b/c really thats all they do is dance and look like they are sleeping with the magican but they are not b/c the magician probably doesnt have a penis. and thats the trick the vanishing penis, like thats the trick i want to see. "heres my penis now its gone... forever!" sob sob sob...i dont have a penis. anyways alls i remember is passing out on a magican that used cards. then i get a phone call from jesse and then the nevt thing i know im at charices house eating a garlic bread with rachelle, charice and jesse. weird. garlic bread...then we end up in barnes and noble where i apply for a job as a cafe server b/c i like the kitchen environment but kitchen environment wouldnt fit one the application so i put kitchen. i sound like a home maker. then we go to salzers hit the free bin and then leave. then i go home. that was sunday.
monday was like sunday except i didnt go to church and i didnt sleep for that long. i started working on the scrapbook then i get another call from jesse. we went to pick up, and drop off people then we go to jennifers. and eat her food watch her tapes and mess with her friends online, well leslie did. at jennifers house was miriam, nicole, leslie, chairce, rachelle, and jesse. then lisa and donnie join. it was all fun and games. then me and leslie go to the albersons see if my boy is working. i found out that all the pretty people work at night time. two of them looking good. jesse and rachell get the food we get back, they eat, then we leave and now im home. fun times at home.