Monday, July 08, 2002

hey it feels good to passing someting especially in the sunner. im i legal driver now. haha thats right i passed my drivers test! ah it feels good. it was my first try too. i guess jesse was right. i missed 13 though but eh i can drive myself and others b/c im old. the lady thought it was cool that i pulled over when the sirein was on even though it was not coming my way! my sister calls it ass kissing, i call it doing what you are supposed to. i dont know what to do now. dammit! i want to go and people from my church who read this must be laughing at me if amyone actually reads this right carl? anyways, i feel so much better now that i can drive myself. its a personal best for the gonzales family. it took my older sister 4 times, my other sister 2, my mom 2 and my dad 2 times. im the youngest and i got it on the first try. so edward has to beat it. he has to be 16 and pass on the first time.