Saturday, July 06, 2002

grr..what world do we live in when parents and i might say religious ones dont let their child progress in their religious growth. its a shame they wont let me go on the trip. i earned it! i got straight A's both semesters, i graduated, and i do wahtever they tell me. they say that i cant go b/c im already going camping but its not. if you want to know its a group hike up some mountain and i have to go home every night. bah! i cant do anything real fun. heres more of their reasons:

1. you want to do everything this summer
2. you are always gone (if by the way notice i only write about the tv because thats all i have)
"i dont do anything" their response:
3. why dont you get a job
"i try so hard" their response:
4. go to college you could have at leat applied to summer school
"if i did i would still have fridays off"
5. your brother has summer school
" i had summer school too, i missed one day and by the way its a field trip day"
6. you still cant go
"but miss lisa is willing to pay for the both of us!"
7. you cant go
that was basically the conversation that me and both my parents had. it was pretty stupid, pretty gay, and pretty lame. it sucks they dont really understand that i hate being left out of things. they also dont see the fact that i dont do anything. i feel that i have worked three years to proiove myself to them and i tried my very well darndest but they dont appreciate it. they dont ever look the fact that i go to church every sunday and i dont complain. i have to admit that i like going there. i have good friends and i have good times their. this trip my very well be the last time i have QUALITY time with my church friends. i dont see them on a regular basis enough so this trip means a lot to me. its very rare that we take trips away from home with out our parents. and this is a time we do. as a youth group we enjotythis time we have together because it may be the last time. though i went there last year, i know this year will be different. i know it i feel it. i pray everyday asking my parents to change their minds but i think im am giving up im submitting to thier stupid reason. but don think its not coming at a price. if they want to see how i "get out" then ill show them. ill sit at home everyday and watch tv, because i can. i wont go anywhere and give up hanging out with my friends, going to the mall and watching movies. no more parties, movie days, ANYTHING. i know it wont effect anyone but me but its a formal protest. it may seem like a weird on but i know what im doing. yesterday and the days before that changed could say it was a defining moment in my life. i decided that i AM going to go out and do things that I want. they cant tell me what to do with my life. my dad told me the other day that i am going nowhere with my life. i say no im not. i have a plan and for once im going to try to stick to it. my plans never follow through, but this time i will. i want to and im going to try my hardest to. you still may be looking at me like what the hell stayong home? well yeah of course they say i get out too much so im going to show them that i dont. that i dont do anything productive, i rot my barins away by watching on my fat ass watching reruns and disney movies that i have already seen. so there! i dont do anything special and trips like rafting the America River is a once in a life time event and that they have taken it away from me and my brother. the fact that they dont support me or anyone in my family in whatever we do kinda bothers me and this revelation has moved me to rant on about it. i mean it is a trip and i already am going on a three day hike where ill be coming home everyday but it is the whole meaing of it all. for years they gave me and my sisters and brothers stupid excuses.upsets me that they do this because i love them. they are supposed to understand all these things. what i feel. i try had to tell them but they wont listen and they fail to admit their mistakes. they just get silent. i hate the fact that they dont communicate to me and dont give a reasonible excuse to anything. i have a million reasons why i should go and in turn they should give me a million justified reasons why i should not go. the only on they have on me is that i am already going on a hike, and they i went last year. i say this year IS going to be different, i will feel left out, its my graduation girt from the church, i go to church every sunday i shouldnt say i earned it but i enjoy going. and the fact that we get to go somewhere with some of my friends in a good religious setting is not bad at all.good friend are hard to come by and the fact that i get to go with them is nice.

Horoscope (by
You will command a great deal of power over people, dear Aries, so make sure that your intentions are good. Do not actively manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. The key is for you to work toward a common goal that will be profitable to everyone. You will easily inspire others in this way, and your collective power will be impressive. You have tremendous leadership abilities that should not be overlooked.

yeah right i wsih this was true. its kinda what i wish i felt. as a result of this let down, i feel weak and helpless. i fell left behind estranged from my parents. also my parents carry on like it is nothing to them. but they fail to realize that it is big deal to me and my friends in church. it is acutally bigger than it seems to me. it bothers me in my sleep, when i go out. it consumes my thoughts every minute as you can see. it bothers me b/c im a little older than i was last year. i know i cant have everything i want but i never argued anything i wanted and couldnt have. i pushed for a longe curfew, didnt really get it. was bothered a bit. never did anything. i was grounded for going to shows. bothered a lot but still didnt do anything about it. i was younger and i thought that next year, maybe they will be a little understanding. but no. apprently age has nothing to do with it. the way that i see it. i cant go b/c i dont do anything and that i stay home and watch tv. thats my punishment.