Monday, February 03, 2003

wow did that last post make no sense. ah well. i accomplished a lot. i read my communications got some more pictures for my collage and i did some math. im kinda ahead of the class its cool. i was looking at old posts and such from the " summer of the thunderbirds" as i call that chapter in my life i said i fall in love like 5483952 times a day. that probably doubled since i got to long beach. as i said there are too many people to love. like the two boys in my history class and then one boy in my math class, the boy in my communications lecture, the boy in my anthropology class, and the boy in university 100. yeah theres at least one in each class the killer thing is that they all sit right next to me or near me. its great but it kills me. ah there are the people i see drive by when im out by the bus. its bad. its really bad. i guess b/c im all alone here. i need to tell people but i have no one to tell. i keep everything inside and i found out that it is not particularly healthy. i end up having conversations in my dreams or i talk to myself. i think i might be speaking out loud. like in one dream i was talking to jack bristow and sydney and vaughn. me and vaughn were in soccer uniforms dancing to dirrty by chirstina aguliera on some random soccer field i think it was a company picnic that was compromised and i was in the cia. it was weird i dont know why i told you my dream oh well. how did i get on that topic oh yeah speaking out loud in dreams...
yeah tomorrow is going to be an adventure im going to take a different bus to go to circuit city in the morning then take another bus to go to the school. yup. adventure all before school starts. actually i dont know if ill do that b/c its a long walk to the bus stop. so maybe not. seriously i need a car to get around. really the shopping place is not that far from my house. i was going to go there today but no i did homework. whats up with that? i probably wasnt going to buy anything anyways. i guess ill go on sunday b/c the parents are coming on saturday.