Salute Your Shorts! You enjoy camping out with yer
buddies and playing tricks on your camp
counselors. Watch out for Zeek the Plumber
What's Your 90's Nickelodeon Show?
brought to you by Quizilla
probably the greatest show ever on nick.
i didnt do much today or yesterday. i went home and slept and when i woke up no one was home so i ate and stayed up to watch late nite. jimmy kimmel is a funny show. today the lady i live with dropped me off at rite aide she showed me the neighborhood. i walked all the way back. it was cool it was not too far its like walking to fremont i guess. next time im using my longboard. i stopped at the wherehouse. looked at some cds got a meanstreet and oc weekly. good publications looking for scratch and such. still exploring. its fun kinda scarry b/c everything is very unfamiliar to me and i dont have anyone. oh well. thank goodness i brought some of the old scratch and destroy alls b/c i need stuff of a collage that i have to make for communications. on the cover of mean street is audioslave. so i got one for the lady i live with. her grandson in -aw is the bassest of audioslave, tim commerford so i got her one. she was very excited and drove to the wherehouse to get more. she really likes him. she even has the cds. its cool here i just wish i knew more people my age. i should really apply of the job at the dining hall. i need it.
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