Tuesday, June 25, 2002

so tv is thr existance of my already mundane life. i plan out what i am to watch at certain times like my 11:35pm -1:00am is taken by late night programming (leno/letterman conan/kilborn) i have no life. people dont really call, i dont go out with the exception of the errands that i run with my mom. i went back to fremont today to see my brother get an award. i saw all my teachers and it was weird b/c they all look the same. i saw anthony bustillos there too. it was fun i guess. i am also going to my bros graduation. it should be fun i guess. today i saw the movie go. its really good. then i watched a lot of the nothing and then more nothing. its fun its vaction its all good! yeah so tomorrow i look forward to doing more nothing. my legs hurt b/c i have been sitting all day! its killing me!