Sunday, January 05, 2003

today was matthew lillard day or should i say matt lynn? yeah so im curious b.c the tv guide had a show on nick gas called sk8 tv. i end up watching it and to my suprise its actually kinda decent. there was skate master tate a longboarder and he was the host and matt lynn or matthew lillard as he calls himself. it was directed by stacey peralta so it had to be legit. there were lots of bones brigade liek lance mountain, tommy gurrero, and tony hawk of course. kevin staab and the alva brothers but this was like 1990 before it died out and the boards had another kick tail but you could still distinguish the tail from the front of the board. it was funny b/c the host skate master tate asked the alva brothers what are you going to do after skating? its funny b/c it was a time when skating was not a career option. that was probably one of the greatest shows ive ever seen. then slc punk came one and then it was good.
i babysat today and that was fun all pokemon all day. the kids love this show. i also skated around the block just getting adjusted to it so i dont look stupid i guess. also sk8 tv inspired ne to go out there and rip.