Tuesday, November 19, 2002

yesterday i had this whole thing written up about my day yesterday and how i saw a rocker from the 80s my day at work and the people at work. but no my computer did something stupid and it was gone so i decided not to type again b/c i put effort and it was late and i was tired. anyways yesterday in my mom s car some guy in a purple car and loud 80s hair rock blaring. i look over at the car and i see this guy in a quazi mullet bobboing his head to to music. it was so funny. i was laughung but my mom was not to amused. she said something like if she had the chance she would love to live in the 70s. i dont know but it was still pretty funny to me.
today work wne t by pretty fast. i call people and i normally dint finish till late 7 o clock and then the rest of the night i do run postings. its pretty easy. then i come home. tomorrow i babysit. oh yeah i was invited to the company xmas party. the funny thing is that im babysitting on that saturday for a person that is going to that party.
im never watching futurama again. i say that so many times but come sunday at 7 im watching tv and here i am watching futurama. sundays episode made me cry. it was about fry's dog and how he wanted to clone it to bring it back to life but he decied not to b/c he found out that his dog lived 15 years thats 12 years after he was frozen. they would cut to scenes with fry and his dog and stuff. when fry decide to not clone his dog b/c he said that he lived a full life they cut to the past and there was his dog sitting out side waiting for fry like he told him to the day he was frozen. for 12 years the dog sat out there. i dont know but it made me cry. the were playing sad music too. i was so sad. it was a cartoon and carttons dint make me cry butt there was something about this one that made me get all emotional. i guess b/c i have a dog. yeah if it ever repeats watch it b/c its soo good. that episode is up there with the one about fry's brother and then they played the simple minds song dont you forget about me. ah soo good.
i drove today too. i went to albersons to to make a copy but the machine was out of order. i saw walter there. so i journey to savons to make a copy. thats it.