Friday, May 03, 2002

it was a really nice day today nice and sunny warm great pool weather. back to my boring life shall we. today was really nothing of a day it was boring. it was regular schedule. at lunch nobody was really there only me karry, rachelle, and then people came in at random times. something happened that made me believe that there are true gentlemen. during fifth period, i was in the C building delivering the usual green slips that take out people from class. well anyways coming back from my delivery these baseball guys they were big were right in front of me. i tried to pass them but blast my short legs werent fast enough. anyways they meet up with the french guy patrick, and they are walking slow and talking. i was getting trapped in the wall trying to get out. but i draw back and walk behide them. but then patrick was like james we should be courteous and let her pass. i was like aww thank you! that was so nice that is why i think people should be more like euros. wait....i mean that there are still gentlemen out there. yeah. lets see in swimming we swam 10 50's and we were gone. my mom came late i drove home took a nap and ate some shrimp, cucumbers, and rice. it was the best! and people are really fasinated with the hello kitty vibrator. its like woah. then i coame up with the best movie for a movie review. so i guess ill go and watch tonight. right now im watching the good son.