all that partying is making me tired. i got home today took a shower ate a teriyaki buritto that i made myself and it was quite good i might say, then i said ok il take a 10 minute nap and wake up to go online, as you ca see it didnt work. i woke up at 7. it was a good nap though. the bus gets really uncomfortable. disneyland is how you say disneyland. from the moment we walked in the park, the music was playing. it was kinda dirty b/c disneyland is a family thing and people were sancing and stuff, in a way it was wrong. there were many pretty boys, many, but they were either with a girlfriend or we were just in passing and couldnt do anything about it. like this one emo boy. me and linda saw him and were like wow! we wanted to follow him but everyone wanted to eat so we ate. we never saw him again it was actually upsetting. there were a bunch of pretty boys wearing blue plaid button ups. it was quite cute actually. they were all guys so the seating arrangement in the madahorn you know the bobsled ride (yes i cant spell) didnt fly for them. then behind us were these boys dressed in green plaid. i guess they were from the same school. a lot of people were dressed too nice or too relaxed, me i just wanted to take of my pants by the end of the night seriously. i wanted to go home take of my pants and just run around. right now im wearing pjs but at around 12pm i was wearng nothing but my underwear, it was great. we were walking around the park and we saw all the teachers and ddministration running to the tea cups they wanted us to too but were were "heading in a different direction" we felt bad though. we went on all the cool rides by the end of the night we were all out of it. our bus was full of idiots! bus 3 broke down and the people were like this sucks and stuff like that it they were so dumb. our leader person was a combination of drunk and high. i called he party girl. she was dancing on the bus. she took me charisse and mieko to the porter potties and introduced us to these guys fro8m yosemite. they were pretty arrogant. back at school, we ate and went to the sr assembly ans watched remember the titans. it was good from where i saw it up to. my question is who is #48 and what show was he in b/c i dont remember. its been killing me. they said no chapstick which is dumb so i held on to mine in my hand the most obvious place. i hid my mints in by belt and eyedrops. space mountain had no music. the honey i shrunk the audience was cool. i fell asleep for most of it. the part with the mice was interesting. they shoot air to simulate the mice running past your feet. for me they were being thrown aty my crotch. it was weird but i liked it! by the end of the night i felt like dirt.

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