so i was watching the west wing b/c jesus was on it but i didnt see him but i was still excited for him b/c he was a part of a national show. then he tells me that he got paid $137 b/c he was on the show the thing is his face wasnt even on the tv. im kinda upset b/c robert earl isnt going to southern california for a book signing. i really really want to shak his hand and say good job on one of the best cook books that i have ever read. hes going to be on the today show and montel so ill be up ill make sure i wake up early to see this. as you can tell i dont really have anything to talk about....wait i just remembered. i was walking yolis today and these guysin a van whistled at me. me being the proper lady gave them the finger. they stopped and i proceeded to run for fear of my life. but then it was a stop sign so the fear went away. i know they saw it too b/c i did it right in front of them. i so wanted to kick them in the balls. they were so ugly and gross. eck..ok over it. i was thinking, yes nothing. i was really pissed today b/c all my life i was led to believe that tomatos at the store are fresh. today i learned that they pick tomatos at their breaking point. they are still green and not ripe. then they are put in a room with a "ripening agent" in reality they make the tomato red. therefore they have no flavor. i always kenw that store tomatoes never had the quality of vine ripe. now i know. its sad really. damn hiccups. i took a shower at a really odd time. like a 4pm. then i watched sabrina the teenage witch then eliminadate. now im here. reading the book again. i know. i love it.

tomorrow babysitting. it gets really sad when the highlight of my entire week is babysitting. i should go place b/c i can drive but i dont bother to ask b/c i have nowhere to go. so i walk my dog yolis. and get whistles from creepy guys. good thing its my neighboorhood. i feel safer. a lot safer.

tomorrow babysitting. it gets really sad when the highlight of my entire week is babysitting. i should go place b/c i can drive but i dont bother to ask b/c i have nowhere to go. so i walk my dog yolis. and get whistles from creepy guys. good thing its my neighboorhood. i feel safer. a lot safer.
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