Monday, September 30, 2002

i want to be productive. i try to be. i walk the dog every weekday and i rest on the weekend. i want to be a lot more producitve. its not fun watching your brain fall out of your ears. and then trying to pick up the missing piecies as i try to help my brother with his chemistry. i need a job but then i would feel bad if i worked and my free tuition is taken away. i would cry. then work my ass off. ah. so i dont want to do that. i need to feel productive. i dont think i can drive the car anytime soon b/c my mom found out that the curb at the tshirt wherehouse hit me. or i was driving too fast to the curb and it hit the bottom of my car. not really the curb the thing that helps you one the driveway yeah that thing was the thing that hit my moms car. it wasnt anything big my mom noticed it when she was washing the car. the insident happend like a month ago so judging by the time it was nothing big at all. haha. todays thunderbirds was so good. so so good. im like wow. oh yeah jonny moseley was on road rules. i was about to pee my pants. i wish i was there.