HAPPY EASTER! easter has lost its funness. you know when youre small it used to be a cool day to just eat candy and hunt for eggs. now its like no more hunting eggs youre too big ha ha ha. so im like ok. and there used to be this filipino party i used to go to every year and be bored out of my mind and then talk crap about the people there that we dont go to anymore. it sucks. i go to church and then go home. its like how can i fully celebrate the Lord's ressurection at home watching golf? i would rather go to church than stay at home. so instead i went to the video store and rented Zoolander. i have to say its pretty funny and really stupid. the video store was an experience all by itself. it took us 2 whole hours and 2 different video stores to decide on a movie. my sister wanted some movie but i wanted to see something else. it was great. i did end up buying Ghost World for $10 so its all good. i couldnt really decide b/c i wanted to buy black and white too and get high fedelity for free. you may be thinking why black and white but im like yes black and white b/c when do you get to see mike tyson act in a movie without a script and elijah wood make out with brook shields. its a circus. i heard it sucks but i have to see this suck for myself. but i didnt not buy it. so after ther movie i put it on the weakest link b/c my love Jonny Moseley was on. i thought that jonny was going to be voted off in the first round but to my pleasant suprise he was the smartest mother in the whole hunch! oh yeah Ross Powers was on too and he looked real good. it was great he was kicking so much ass it was funny. i originally planned to watch jonny get kicked off and then watch the simpsons and then greg the bunny but no. he was one of the final three. Tristan and Jean were dirty bitches they voted off jonny! it was b/c he was the only competition. i was wicked pissed. jonny was real good and he should have won but oh well. and it looks like eizelle wont be going to the action sports and music awards im very upset. i really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanted to go so bad. i missed last year and i vowed to go back but i guess not. its ok i could just watch it on the tv. oh well. oh yeah and to my suprise Q 104.7 the mainly hip hop "slash" rap station was playing the smashing pumpkins and then the apex theory today. it was real weird. i mean real weird. it was quite refleshing though. it was a good day i guess.

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