finally spring break its been a long time coming. im so tired all i can really do is type. i sucked so much ass today at the meet it was crazy i sucked so much i was so mad. i guess b/c i was kinda sick and stuff ao i was slow but i have the weekend to rest up for monday practice. at the meet it was so weird there was a girl with 9 oes altogether! it was so weird. she had four toes on one foot i couldnt help but stare it wsa bad. i wouldnt have noticed if tara didnt tell me. it was the weirdest thing to date. i couldnt help looking it is bad. fun fun fun im going to take drivers training, my sister finally passed her driving test. now she can drive me all over the place. so its my turn. my parents have this fear that i wont finish college b/c ill go all over the place. i mean i want to go to college but then its like its all your fault im not going to college you know. it hurts me so bad to tell people that im not going, i hate it when people say i got in here and and oh im got in here blah balh blah. i feel so left out and stupid b/c im not going and it makes me mad. i guees i have my way around life not everyone is the same. i have no secret ambition to do anything.anyways i have a lifetime..but back to the fun my b-day is coming up and i really plan to do nothing! fun my parents dont believe in bday parties b/c they cost too much so to celebrate, im going to another persons party. woo! then im doing this thing james asked me to do its a salute to the graduates and i guess they are all filippino, sounds really boring b.c i know most of the people (maybe) i mean if i make my presence known there maybe ill piss some people off. if i can piss off or offend one person in that room, ive done my job. heres the picture i wanted to put up hopefully it works. shh.....greg the bunny is going to be on

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